Dr Can Erimtan | When it comes to U.S. imperial policy, continuity always trumps change.
Closing Bagram Airbase: American Empire and Whatever Happened to Camp Bondsteel?
Eighteen Years On: After 9/11, Has Al-Qaeda Won The War On Terror?
Peter Ford | The de facto convergence between the U.S. and al-Qaeda undercuts received western wisdom on the supposed fight against ‘radical Islamic terror.’
Hollywood, DC – Sean Stone Doc. ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer | Watching the Hawks’ Sean Stone is joined by a variety of Hollywood insiders in exploring the entertainment industry’s institutional embrace of Washington, DC’s military-industrial complex.
(VIDEO) 11 yr old Irish boy goes on TV, gives nod to Bin Laden, salutes Alt Right avatar ‘Kek’
21WIRE | Autistic child gives ‘Alt Right’ salute on Ireland’s highest rated TV show.
SUSPICIOUS: Bin Laden Plane With Top Guidance System, Crashes Under Perfect Conditions
21WIRE + The Guardian | Catastrophic accident or foul-play? You decide.
9/11 Synthetic Terror: A Masterclass in Shadow Government Deception
Webster Tarpley | Filmed in 2006, this is still one of the most comprehensive presentations available.
American Sniper: Hollywood and Our Homeland Insecurity Complex
Patrick Henningsen | Eastwood’s intense character study of Chris Kyle is by far the most sophisticated piece of war propaganda to date.
The Mandarin? U.S. General on record stating: ‘ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi Does Not Exist’
21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Once again, your reality, brought to you by Hollywood.
Charlie Hebdo Attack: Geopolitics, Eurocentrism, Islamophobia and ‘Blowback Theory’
Dr. Can Erimtan | Zbig’s big idea was that “Islamic forces could be used against the Soviet Union – and we’re still suffering his corrupt legacy it today.
EXCLUSIVE: CIA Spent $40 million, Hacked Senate Computers to Suppress Torture Report
Patrick Henningsen | Senator: “The CIA pulled out all the stops to prevent this from coming out.”
‘SAND PIRATES’: Are ISIS America’s 21st Century Terror Privateers?
Patrick Henningsen + Tony Cartalucci | It’s now imperative that people around the world spread the truth faster than the West can spread its chaos.
CIA Vaccine Plot In Pakistan Reveals A History Of Abuse
Shawn Helton | Was this just another disingenuous program operated by US intelligence, one that operated with impunity and one that has recklessly caused harm to many unknowing victims?
Resurrecting Osama: Musharraf arrest for Benazir Bhutto assassination reignites the ‘bin Laden question’
21WIRE + AP | Former Army chief and President is now being thrown under the bus to bury the bin Laden hoax.
Digging up the Dead: Bin Laden raid files ‘buried’ by CIA to avoid public scrutiny
21WIRE+RT | The files of the Bin Laden raid will join the files of 9/11, redacted and buried.
WRH | No photos or videos, means that bin Laden was never there.
The Money Changers: Rothschild Banking Dynasty Said To Be Worth $100 Trillion
Dean Henderson | What is the key political vassal for the Eight Families who own every private central bank in the world?
TRAILER: ‘Horses for Courses’ – 21st Century Wire – Tonight on SKY TV 191
Watch this trailer for Episode 5 of ’21st Century Wire’ on PSTV SKY Channel 191 in UK and on European satellite. Host Patrick Henningsen meets with horse racing tipster and current affairs pundit, Basil Valentine, as Basil teams up with Patrick to reveal the science of racing and how the same matrix can be applied […]
War Inc: Inside the Pentagon’s Psychological Operation to Suck the Masses into Their War Machine
Alexander Higgins | Curious how the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history will be taught to future generations?