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Stephen Hicks: Postmodernism, Socialism and Nazism

John Anderson Show | Can western society proceed forward based on post-Enlightenment principles of reason, or will it digress backward into degeneracy?

The Difference Between Right and Leftwing Memes

21WIRE + Vertigo Politix | Internet memes are a tactically superior form of political verse – making it difficult for Silicon Valley censors contain.

INTERVIEW: GQ Magazine’s Vain Attempt to Frame Jordan Peterson

British GQ | The Establishment continue to send in their top hatchet-women to try and take down this Canadian psychologist.

Hollywood MK Ultra & Dr. John C. Lilly – Esoteric Hollywood II

Jay Dyer | John C. Lilly’s unbelievable book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, we discover there is a mind control association with the notion of creating such disorders with various mirrors, movies and projections with test subjects in the LSD state by the handler.

Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Occult Meaning – Full Video Breakdown

Jay Dyer | Given Hollywood’s many recent sex abuse scandals, it is becoming more evident Kubrick was telling us about reality in his films.


Jay Dyer | In this video I cover the main themes and messages as well as the many Edenic and biblical references.

Hollywood is a Collapsing Covert Operation – Jay Dyer Campaign for Liberty Speech

Jay Dyer | The origins of Hollywood and the simultaneous geopolitical rise in the Atlanticist establishment.

CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer | “We utilize terrorism, but conceal this from Americans.” -CIA Operative Miles Copeland

Liberal Imperium: Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment – Jay Dyer (half)

Jay Dyer | “The great idealistic adventure which began with Arnold Toynbee and Lord Alfred Milner in 1875 had slowly ground its way to a finish of bitterness and ashes.” -Quigley

How the Illuminati Control Culture – Full Spectrum Dominance: Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | What is full spectrum dominance and where did it originate? How can we discern this overriding strategy at work in the cultural mayhem that seems global.

How Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) Decodes the New Episodes -Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | The overlooked 1992 film, David Lynch has said, is the key to decoding the massively popular new series.

The Enneads of Plotinus Deconstructed (Part 1) – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | One of the most influential thinkers in the history of the West is generally unknown. This talk deconstructs his influence.

Alien (1979) – The Deeper Meaning You Missed – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | Alien was a revolutionary film in many ways, and arguably the first nihilistic, anti-human science fiction series with a darkly occultic undertow.

The Bizarre Occult Message of Assassin’s Creed (2016)

Jay Dyer | This video game-turned film blends everything from transhumanism to Templarism.

The Metaphysical Implications of Nominalist Economics

Jay Dyer | How might essence, matter and form as ancient philosophical concepts have a direct impact on our economic theory today?

Mysteries of Ancient Philosophy & Metaphysics – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | What can ancient philosophy teach us about virtue and geopolitics today?

Conspiracy of Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (Part 3)

Branko Malić | In the third part of our series on conspiratorial view on French Revolution we discuss a vehicle of political subversion Barruel calls: “occult lodges of Freemasonry”.

Neocons are Trotskyites – How the System Perpetuates Faux Democracy (Video)

Jay Dyer | Propagated by a Rockefeller-founded university and former followers of Leon Trotsky, neocons were behind the Rand Corporation and its designer, marketed and manufactured conflicts, including the Cold War.

Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

Jay Dyer | Is there more to the Castro story than merely being a polarizing figure? Why does the mainstream narrative only offer two views of this important historical figure? What about the role of the CFR in relation to Latin American Cold War operations?

Arrival (2016) – The Film’s Secret Meaning Explained

Jay Dyer | There’s a deeper meaning to this sci fi mind-bender, and it’s not what you think…

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