Branko Malić I There’s a lot of talk about Hegelian dialectics. But what would Hegel himself have to say about it?
The Cell (2000) – Sex Slaves and the Split Psyche
Jay Dyer | The Cell is a macabre display of the psyche, alters, trauma-based mind control, and the occult connection to these ideas.
JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Russia as Target of Western NGOs
Jay Dyer | In this episode, Nina joins me to discuss her espionage history translations, as well as her upbringing in Russia and the not so “humanitarian” NGOs and “aid” organizations’ plots, along with the IMF, toward Russia.
ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: The Real Meaning of Kubrick’s Shining
Jay Dyer | In this episode, I take on Kubrick’s horror classic, The Shining, with a different take than Jay Weidner or Rob Ager. This audio also features my glorious Jack and Tony impersonations.
LIBERAL AMERICAN WORLD ORDER: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis
Jay Dyer | Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author, lecturer and former advisor to President Vladimir Putin.
Professor: Artificial Intelligence As Dangerous As Nuclear Weapons
21WIRE + Daily Mail | A growing number of experts are raising huge concerns about A.I. development.
Philosophy 101: Self-Driving Cars May Be Programmed To KILL YOU
21WIRE + The Independent | Do you trust the A.I. brain with your life?
Humanity’s Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time
Zen Gardner | The flame of true freedom grows brighter continually, further propelling humanity’s awakening and empowerment.