Derrick Grayson | Were African-Americans better, or worse off – after eight years of a Democratic White House?
Black Politician Explains Why Left’s ‘Racist’ Critique of Trump is Wrong
SYRIA: The Strategic Importance of Deir Ezzor and SAA, SDF Relations
21WIRE + Syriana Analysis | What drives SDF-SAA rivalry in Syria?
Episode #203 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Dotard Effect’ with guests Mike Robinson, Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
From Baghdad to Istanbul: How Iraqi Kurds Could End Up Under De facto Turkish Rule
Adam Garrie | The referendum is only the first step. Next, some serious problems are likely to follow.
Undercutting the Nation State? Chicago Group Suggests ‘Global Cities’ Should Run World Affairs
Mark Anderson | World government, through the ‘back door’.
CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations
Jay Dyer | “We utilize terrorism, but conceal this from Americans.” -CIA Operative Miles Copeland
New Report Destroys Fabricated Myth of Syria’s ‘White Helmets’
21WIRE + RT | This stunning report which exposes the multifaceted fraud of the west’s propaganda darlings.
The Syrian ‘Opposition’, Who Are They and What Motivates Them?
Camille Otrakji | Who are the Syrian “opposition” and what compels them to turn against their own people?
The Killing of History ~John Pilger
John Pilger | Vietnam, “The ladders of bombs that left trees petrified and festooned with human flesh”.
U.S. Outraged at RT for Daring to ‘Question More’
CrossTalk | The American establishment now desperately trying to kill-off any alternative views on world and foreign affairs.
‘Driving Ms. Deep State’: Morgan Freeman Psy-Op Shows Desperation of US Establishment
Andrew Korybko | Very sad to see Morgan Freeman sink into the gutter of American culture and politics.
Boiler Room EP #127 – The Oppression Commiseration (And Similar Topics)
Boiler Room | Hesher, Spore and this weeks gathering of the ACR Brain Trust boil down the gnashing of the teeth and the grinding of the gears in the media for this week. Bring a Flak Jacket!
Vanessa Beeley on Yemen: ‘Saudi, US are Guilty of War Crimes’
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Saudi Arabia and its allies are now guilty of international war crimes for their sordid roles in the death and suffering in Yemen.
Syria Eye Witness: 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley On Location
Syria TV | It’s been said that, “The first casualty in war is truth.”
U.S. DECEPTION: The West’s ‘Peaceful Revolution’ Narrative in Syria Was a Lie From the Beginning
Patrick Henningsen | In truth, the US ignited this bloodbath in Syria – and the world knows it.
The Genealogy of Trump’s U-Turn on Palestine
Patrick Henningsen | Even for a self-made billionaire, money still buys friends and influence.
SYRIA: U.S. Requests Protection for Al Qaeda as Terrorist Atrocities in Aleppo Escalate
Vanessa Beeley | As the US demands that Russia cease targeting Al Qaeda in Syria, terrorist violence in Aleppo increases.