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Hollywood MK Ultra & Dr. John C. Lilly – Esoteric Hollywood II

Jay Dyer | John C. Lilly’s unbelievable book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, we discover there is a mind control association with the notion of creating such disorders with various mirrors, movies and projections with test subjects in the LSD state by the handler.

Alien (1979) – The Deeper Meaning You Missed – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | Alien was a revolutionary film in many ways, and arguably the first nihilistic, anti-human science fiction series with a darkly occultic undertow.

JaysAnalysis: CIA Mind Control & MK Culture

Jay Dyer | I distill the insane mad scientist operation known as MK ULTRA and its dozens of subprojects from John Marks’ 1980 book, The CIA and Mind Control: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

The Cell (2000) – Sex Slaves and the Split Psyche

Jay Dyer | The Cell is a macabre display of the psyche, alters, trauma-based mind control, and the occult connection to these ideas.

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