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Conspiracy of Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (Part 3)

Branko Malić | In the third part of our series on conspiratorial view on French Revolution we discuss a vehicle of political subversion Barruel calls: “occult lodges of Freemasonry”.

Conspiracy of Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (pt. 2)

Branko Malić | We continue with the introduction to Augustin Barruel’s “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism”, a veritable historical nucleus of modern conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy of the Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (pt. 1)

Branko Malić | “Conspiracy theories are as old as humanity … it’s in human nature to imagine conspiracies everywhere …” True? Not really. Meet the first real conspiracy theorist – Augustin Barruel.

Partners in Crime: Masons, Fascists, CIA and the Vatican (and the rest)

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | How do a small group of men take over a government – without firing a shot?

Leaked: How UK organised crime use Freemasons to corrupt the criminal justice system

21WIRE + Independent | Here is true bombshell report published today…

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