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Have the US, Trump Really Abandoned ‘Regime Change’ in Syria?

Miles Elliott | Mainstream media has reported that Trump is ending CIA support for anti-Assad fighters. However, the conflict is far from over.

Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

Jay Dyer | Is there more to the Castro story than merely being a polarizing figure? Why does the mainstream narrative only offer two views of this important historical figure? What about the role of the CFR in relation to Latin American Cold War operations?

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Crowley, Secret Agent 666 & Shambhala w/Dr. Richard Spence

Jay Dyer | Dr. Spence demonstrates how Crowley and Hess’ mystical journeys might have had a more pragmatic, covert operational design.

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