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Weinstein’s Hollywood & Stephen King’s ‘IT’ – A Curious Parallel (Video)

Jay Dyer | Hollywood is a weaponized covert operation of mind control and cults that is, thank God, falling apart.

Arrival (2016) – The Film’s Secret Meaning Explained

Jay Dyer | There’s a deeper meaning to this sci fi mind-bender, and it’s not what you think…

DIALECTICS – Man’s Metaphysical Problem

Jay Dyer | The question of the one and the many is perennial because it’s fundamental to man.

SIMULACRA: SexBot Dystopia Predicted in Cherry 2000 (1987)

Jay Dyer | An obscure B movie with a heady, philosophical and prescient message.

‘STRANGER THINGS’ – Hollywood MK Ultra Goes Full Occult

Jay Dyer | A popular new series that reveals as much as it conceals.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: The Truman Show is Our Reality

Jay Dyer | In this episode, I decipher the philosophical and sometime esoteric underpinnings to two popular 90s films, Groundhog Day and The Truman Show.

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