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Laurel Canyon, the CIA Counter Culture & Dave McGowan – Jay Dyer on Myth20c

Jay Dyer | What appears to be an organic, anti-establishment movement led by artists such as Jim Morrison of The Doors is, upon closer examination, co-opted and steered by the very organizations that they publicly condemn.

Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Occult Meaning – Full Video Breakdown

Jay Dyer | Given Hollywood’s many recent sex abuse scandals, it is becoming more evident Kubrick was telling us about reality in his films.

What if ‘Cabin in the Woods’ (2012) and its Deep State Are Real?

Jay Dyer | Having recently read Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill, re-viewing this film becomes all the more telling.

Serial Killers, Punk Music, LSD & MK ULTRA: Nino with Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | William S. Burroughs, Tavistock & Tim Leary and the CIA-LSD crew all coalesce to tell a strange tale of serial killers, MK ULTRA, Crowleyanism, cultural cannibal marxism and the transgender agenda – and much more!

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis

Jay Dyer | The real question is whether there is a deeper occult and social engineering agenda to punk music and the “counter-culture” scene.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Laurel Canyon’s Weird Scenes – Review & Analysis

Jay Dyer | In this first free hour I review and analyze Dave McGowan’s excellent book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, in an in-depth fashion.

WEIRD SCENES Inside the Canyon: Jay’s Review

Jay Dyer | It seems more and more as if we are living in a bad B movie, replete with cheesy set pieces and a Casio keyboard score – and the reason for that is because we are.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue