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Globalist Think Tanks Called on to Further Unite, Lest They Lose Their Neo-Liberal Order

Mark Anderson | Are the World’s Obscure but Powerful Policy Wonks Getting Nervous?

Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

Jay Dyer | Is there more to the Castro story than merely being a polarizing figure? Why does the mainstream narrative only offer two views of this important historical figure? What about the role of the CFR in relation to Latin American Cold War operations?

Executive Order: Obama mandate now seeking HIV tests for US citizens

21WIRE + WH | What other future mandates will government have for us, after this very dangerous precedence has been set?

Washington’s plan to isolate Iran is drifting towards a profitable stalemate

Patrick Henningsen | There are still massive profits to be made by key players in both the global defense and petroleum industries.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue