Jay Dyer | John C. Lilly’s unbelievable book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, we discover there is a mind control association with the notion of creating such disorders with various mirrors, movies and projections with test subjects in the LSD state by the handler.
Hollywood MK Ultra & Dr. John C. Lilly – Esoteric Hollywood II
Filed Under: Featured, Jay Dyer Tagged With: alter, altered states, CIA, cold war, day pf the dolphin, hollywood news, human biocomputer, Jay Dyer, John c lilly, LSD, mel gibson, milla jovovich, mind control, MK ULTRA, NASA, New World Order, philosophy, programming, psyche, split, toxic culture
Hollywood Babylon: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film with Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer | With so much information packed into Esoteric Hollywood, we set out to focus on a select few movies, namely, The Shining, Rosemary’s Baby, and Close Encounters of The Third Kind.
Filed Under: Featured, Jay Dyer Tagged With: Babylon, clockwork orange, crowley, esoteric, eyes wide shut, Hollywood, hollywood news, hubbard, Illuminati, Jay Dyer, kenneth anger, Kubrick, movies, NWO, occult symbols, programming, roman polanski, Scientology, social engineering, the shining, toxic culture