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Hollywood Plots and Plots in Hollywood

Jay Dyer | “All these people that run studios, they go to Washington, they hang around with senators, they hang around with CIA directors, and everybody’s on board.”

Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Occult Meaning – Full Video Breakdown

Jay Dyer | Given Hollywood’s many recent sex abuse scandals, it is becoming more evident Kubrick was telling us about reality in his films.

CLUE (1985) as Clue to the Cold War’s Managed Dialectic

Jay Dyer | While most board games of the 1980s did not make it onto the big screen, one curious specimen did – Clue.

FOR THE RECORD: Obama sat on General Petraeus Affair – That’s Treason.

21st Century Wire Says: The General Petraeus Affair could come back to bite Obama badly. The White House knew about it, covered it up, all in order to secure an election victory. That’s a shrewd risk on the part of the White House. Power it seems, trumps the general welfare for some. General Petraeus and […]

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