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SUNDAY SCREENING: Picking For Europe (2024)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Abundant supermarkets are sustained by workers – without contracts, fair wages, or legal protection.

‘No Real Drop’ in Net Migration – Claims New ‘Brexit Think Tank’

21WIRE + The Guardian | A new report has emerged from a thinktank suggesting that Brexit voters may not see the decline in immigration that they voted for.

DECEIVERS: Western Complicity in Tragic Death of Drowned Syrian Boy

Stuart J. Hooper | A damning indictment of Western actions that created this horrendous crisis.

CRISIS SOLUTION: How Greece Can Claim A ‘National Security’ Debt Write Off

Stuart J. Hooper | There is a little known precedent to write off debt for national security reasons. This is how Greece can do just that.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue