Julian Rose | Perhaps real spirituality is about demolishing ego, not re-enforcing it. This may end up being the lesson of our age.
The War on Humanity – A Deliberate Restriction of Consciousness
An Increasingly Desperate Deep State – One Step Away from Checkmate?
Julian Rose | Fear not: although darkness abounds, the hour of our greatest victory is at hand.
Overcoming ‘Designer Chaos’ at a Critical Moment for the Human Race
Julian Rose | A difficult pill: we are either working every day for the emancipation of humanity, or we are supporting its agonising demise.
The Role of Thought Power in the Cause and Effect Dynamics of Global Crisis
Julian Rose | Despite our setbacks, humanity has the capacity to set the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction.
Surgery, Spaceflight, Lasers, Nuclear Power and Secrets of the Mayans: Russia Reflects on Its World Changing Science & Technology
Press United | The list of Russian breakthroughs in science is nothing short of incredible.
INTERVIEW: Jason Liosatos on the global crisis and ‘spiritual health’ of humanity
TNT Radio | We are at a crucial juncture in the development of the human race. How will we respond?
Science Moment: ‘Cooties Drives the Covid Cult’s Beliefs’
Science Moment | Amazingly, those within the hysteria really, truly believe a number of patently absurd things about Covid.
SUNDAY SCREENING: The Healing Power of Music (2022)
SUNDAY SCREENING | From infancy to old age, music can transform our state of mind and even our physiology.
INTERVIEW: Dr. Mark Changizi on Pandemic Group Think and Totalitarianism
ACR Radio | The complicated reality of mass formations, psychology of lockdowns and ‘public health’ compliance explained.
An Unsettling Realization: ‘Mask Zealots are Sadistic People’
21WIRE | Is this merely a case of Stockholm Syndrome, or is there something else at play?
‘Are We Being Hypnotized, And Do We Like It?’ – Mattias Desmet on Covid and War Hysteria
Pandemic Perspectives | What is it about human beings that makes us so willing to submit to a collective ‘mass formation’ psychosis?
Time to Drop COVID Restrictions – Forever
21WIRE | Why most people are well past their breaking point when it comes to senseless government and corporate mandates.
Shi Heng Yi: ‘The Creator of the Universe’
Mulligan Brothers | Exploring one of the most profound existential questions for humanity.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?’ (2010)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
‘Dark Persuasion’ – The History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media
Joel Dimsdale | Tracking the evolution of weaponized brainwashing – from its beginnings in religious cults, and into the age of Big Tech.