21st Century Wire says… Unable to get an excuse for direct military intervention in Syria, Washington has revived its campaign to brand Hezbollah in Lebanon as an ‘international terrorist organization’, a plan allowing both Europe, the US and Israel enter the theater militarily, under another vague UN or NATO mandate similar to the fast-tracked waiver […]
DRIVE TO WAR: Obama Wants Europe to Rebrand Hezbollah as a ‘Terrorist Group’
New World Order Map: Plan to Re-arrange the Planet Post-WWII is Still Alive
Global Research | It was the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes who first proposed a ‘federal’ world government – imposed by the US and the British Empire.
Andrew McKillop | By 2014, the US will be rivaling Saudi and Russian oil output, or even exceeding their output, as Asian demands for energy increase.
New Cold War: Russia, China Coodinate Response Against U.S. Global Missile Shield
Global Research | Both Russia and China raise grave concerns over US plans to build a global missile ‘defense’ system.
European Cashless Society: EU Plans to Ban Cash Transactions Over 500 Euros
Prokopis Hatzinikolaou | The NWO technocrat’s dream of a cashless society may be nearer than you think.
2045: ‘Man Becomes Machine’ – The Transhumanist Agenda
21WIRE | By 2045, humans will become one with machines.
Codex Alimentarius and the NWO’s Agenda
21WIRE | The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to a level deemed by their elite committee as “sustainable”.
Bird’s Eye View: Why the Chinese Demand US Gun Control?
Daily Bell | These are memes of the elite – they are phantasmagoria designed to distract us from the truth.
Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition
21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.
Obama Wins Second Term, But America Remains More Divided Than Ever
21WIRE | Obama could be the most divisive president in US history – not because of his color, but because of his politics.
The Money Changers: Rothschild Banking Dynasty Said To Be Worth $100 Trillion
Dean Henderson | What is the key political vassal for the Eight Families who own every private central bank in the world?
Possible Victory for Humanity: India Prepares to Kick Monsanto to the Curb
Natural News | Efforts kick Monsanto out of India are increasing.
Protesters Dressed as Nazis parade through an Athens ruled by Brussels banksters, giving Nobel Peace Prize to EU is beyond satire
21WIRE + Mail Online | The Nobel Peace Prize has become something of a bad joke internationally.
This is the debut music video ‘WAR REPORT’ from new artist ‘Backyard Bully’… ….
Both Italy and Sweden Aiming to Be Cashless Societies
Patrick Henningsen | Since July, the government has banned cash transactions over 1,000 euros.
Strange Bedfellows: How the U.S. and Egypt control the destiny of the region
Patrick Henningsen | Unfortunately for Washington, Egypt’s military junta have quickly figured out how the US is always able to play both sides of the geopolitical game.
While Blood Flows in Cairo, Arab League Call Their Meeting To Discuss… Syria?
Patrick Henningsen | The Arab League has shown itself to be nothing more than a passive functionary of US and NATO nation interests in the Middle East.
Here’s the Risk: Occupy Ends Up Doing the Bidding of the Global Elite
Patrick Henningsen | With men like George Soros in the background, it’s fairly easy for ‘grassroots’ campaigns to become co-opted.
New World Order Uses ‘Overman’ Mythology to Promote Transhumanism
SARTRE | Superman’s roots come from Germany, where his name was ‘Ubermensch’, and he was the inspiration behind transhumanism.