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New York Times Claim: ‘Russian Bots Are Meddling in US Midterms’

21WIRE | The troll farm blamed for Donald Trump’s electoral victory is back, according to US researchers.

Top US Commander Admits Russia Bounty Story in Afghanistan ‘Has Not Been Proved’

Antiwar.com | A detailed review of all available intelligence found no corroboration of the story.

Lendman: ‘Ukrainegate unleashed a blitzkrieg of NYT anti-Trump venom’

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | ‘Ukrainegate’ is a story put in play by the U.S. intelligence community and boosted by compliant media like the The New York Times.

Former New York Times Editor Accuses Paper of Running a Biased Anti-Trump News Agenda

21WIRE + Daily Caller | As the Russiagate fiction begins to collapse, a gradual civil war is beginning to brew among certain corners of the Establishment mainstream media.

New York Times Kowtows to Israel, Rewrites Gaza Coverage, As Israel Harasses Its US Critics

21WIRE | When it comes to managing its public image, no country is more pedantic than Israel – and for good reason.

The Great ‘Oracles of War Propaganda’ Blame Everyone But Themselves

21WIRE | The term ’fake news’ was created by the mainstream media establishment, but it has seriously “boomeranged back and hit them on the head.”

Top New York Times Lawyer: Prosecuting WikiLeaks Would Be ‘Unpopular, Wrong, Unsuccessful’

21WIRE + Courthouse News | The US Government has a difficult legal battle ahead with WikiLeaks and all publishers.

OPINION: ‘Why I Stand With Julian Assange’

Peter Van Buren | “Supporting Assange transcends just him, because the battle over his prosecution is about something greater: the future of free speech and a free press. Even if you think Assange doesn’t matter, those things do.”

Joe Lauria: U.S. Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre

Joe Lauria | Palestinians didn’t just simply “die” on Monday.

Trump Announces ‘Highly Anticipated’ Fake News Awards

21WIRE | Trump’s “Fake News Awards” are finally here.

Mid Summer Anger: Oliver Stone Waxes US Establishment’s Russia Conspiracy Theory

Oliver Stone | Are the Washington Post and the New York Times so powerful that no one bothers to read or think beyond them?

REALLY FAKE NEWS: New York Times Finally Retracts Its ’17 Intelligence Agencies’ Claim on Russia Hacking US Elections

Robert Parry | The New York Times is responsible for the foundational lie which underpins the US establishment’s ‘Russian Hacking’ hoax.

SYRIA: Sarin Attack Narrative Destroyed by MIT National Security Expert

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Further evidence that Assad’s use of chemical weapons is a lie.

The Existential Question Of Whom To Trust

Robert Parry | Robert Parry of Consortium News asks whom can we trust to describe the world and its conflicts when mainstream experts have surrendered to careerism.

‘Legless Abdulbasit’ – More Fake News from Syria’s ‘Moderate Rebel’ Media Machine

Barbara McKenzie | Move over Bana and Omran, there’s a new ‘opposition’ social media star – and never questioned by the mainstream media fake news merchants.

The Entire Mainstream Warmongering Media is Fake

Jay Dyer | The black hole of deception calls the kettle black.

Establishment’s ‘Fight’ Against “Fake News” is a Covert War on Free Speech

Patrice Greanville | This latest CBS pro-censorship report may be a harbinger of things to come.

Ron Paul Highlights Real List of Mainstream ‘Fake News’ Journalists

RT | Turns out that Dr Paul’s ‘list’ holds a lot more water than a list previously released by the LA Times and Merrimack College’s resident ‘media expert.’

Robert Parry: What to Do About ‘Fake News’

Robert Parry | A pushback is coming to the Internet’s success in giving the world access to diverse opinions and dissenting information. Politicians, mainstream media and Silicon Valley moguls are now taking aim at what they call “fake news.”

There’s a Whole Class of Treasonous ‘Intellectuals’ in America, Always Ready to Shill on Behalf of the Powerful

Alternet | The rewriting of history by the power elite was painfully evident as the nation marked the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War.

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