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‘Safe Zone’ In Syria: A Ploy to Ignite a New Battle Front

Marwa Osman | Journalist, political commentator, writer, and former TV political show host Marwa Osman writes about what is behind a present ploy in Syria.

‘Feel Good Hoax’: How US Propaganda Works in the Syrian War

Rick Sterling | “Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press.”

WHO ARE SYRIA’S WHITE HELMETS (terrorist linked)?

Vanessa Beeley | Who are the White Helmets? A question we should all be asking as Jo Cox’s death is exploited by world governments to reinforce a US NATO shadow state inside Syria.

“Syria Solidarity UK” Supporting Al Qaeda and Denying Free Speech

Tim Anderson | Syria scandal as UK Solidarity Group clearly reveal their support of Al Qaeda

AVAAZ: The Progressive’s Honey Trap and Advocates of ‘Bombs for a Better World’

John Hanrahan | Avaaz promote “bombing for a better world” while calling for Palestinian Statehood. Hypocrisy or progressive manipulation?

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: ‘Do-Good’ Website AVAAZ Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria

21WIRE + Intervention Watch | All we can say to anyone who has signed this Avaaz petition to escalate the war in Syria is: how naive and uninformed you truly are.

Obama’s Plan For a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Over Northeastern Syria, After US Midterm Elections

Patrick Henningsen | A look inside what Washington has planned over the next 6 months in Syria.

Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition

21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.


Andrew McKillop | Can the Mad Dog out smart the trolls from the North?

How Cameron’s SAS and MI6 Bond Op Bungled in Benghazi

Patrick Henningsen | Oh no, not again!

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue