21WIRE | As economies recover from slowdowns, demand will increase, pushing food prices upwards.
China’s Rise: From Humiliated Colony to Global Power
Brian Berletic | China has transformed from a developing nation to one rivalling the US – and now being poised to surpass the West as the dominant hegemon.
FLASHBACK: ‘Competing Ideologies’ with Fukuyama, Dugin and Krastev
The Agenda | Revisiting this fascinating three-way discussion between contrasting political scientists.
Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’
UnHerd | How significant is this time in history compared to other major watershed moments of the last 100 years?
‘The God That Failed’: Why U.S. Can No Longer Impose Its Western Worldview
Alastair Crooke | As the old illusion explodes and with nothing in its place, a New World Order cannot coherently be formulated by America.
The ‘Battle’ Against COVID-19 in a Fragmented World, Has Ruined Billions of Lives
Andre Vltchek | It is not only about physically surviving the pandemic – it’s about humanity surviving the separation from each other.
The Next Economic Crisis and the Prospects of a Post-Multipolar System
South Front | The world could be headed towards a genuine bi-polar Cold War – a war of political and economic attrition whose outcome is impossible to predict.
The Story of Washington’s Economic Hitmen
21WIRE + Studio Joho | A brief animation which shows how transnational corporations seize target countries, by using a special brand of predatory capitalism.
INDONESIA: Crony Capitalism has Reduced Cities to Dehumanized, Polluted Environments for Ordinary People
Andre Vltchek | Capitalism has reduced Indonesian cities to hollowed out carcasses.
Wake Up and Dont Smell the Coffee – Resist Global ‘Starbucksification’
Neil Clark | Modern neoliberal globalization doesn’t just mean a Starbucks on every corner.
Undercutting the Nation State? Chicago Group Suggests ‘Global Cities’ Should Run World Affairs
Mark Anderson | World government, through the ‘back door’.
Thomas Sankara: Africa’s Unsung Inspiration
P.D. Lawton | Undoubtedly, this man was a visionary, as much as he was a revolutionary – and his story has been erased from western mainstream media and history books.
TECHNOCRACY INC: Now Charging for Roads By the Mile
Miles Elliott | Proposed changes to how people use the roads are part of the international technocratic plan.
Is the United States of America a Liberal Democracy, or Liberal Oligarchy?
Petar Djolic | FACT: American corporate and political life is disproportionally controlled by a rather small number of self-appointed elites.
BILDERBERG: More Secret Meetings with Trump Advisors, US Senators
Mark Anderson | This year’s Bilderberg features more serving US officials, including many Trump Administration cabinet members, than any other meeting in history.
Trump Dumps TPP, Obama’s ‘Gold Standard’ Trade Deal
Patrick Henningsen | This marks the beginning of a series of major trade face-offs between the new Administration – and everyone else.
It’s Official: Trump is POTUS 45
21WIRE | Ex-President Obama is out, and President Trump is now in.
Italy Moves Closer to a BREXIT – 5 Star Movement Poised to Challenge for Leadership Role
21WIRE + Wall Street Journal | Brussels just trembled after this latest election result in Italy.
Hell Comes to Frogtown: Alt Right and Triumph of Transhumanism
Branko Malić | While Richard Spencer’s half-joke of hailing Donald Trump with Roman salute rose a lot of dust, some remarks in his NPI speech point into rather sinister direction. A posthuman one.