21st Century Wire says…
Western media gushed all over 2011’s ‘Arab Spring’ as some sort of grassroots revolution that was to change the face of the Middle East…
Obama, Clinton, Hague, Sarkozy and the rest gave inflated speeches and CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera reported events, and failed to mention the Soros and US State Department-funded elements that steered the early stages of the Arab Spring. Many alternative media outlets. this one included, saw right through the media facade and the barrage of corporate media sound-bites calling it a ‘Twitter’ revolution and the like.
As a result of internal instability, Egypt is drifting towards a more closed society. By contrast, both Libya and Syria were not even remotely classed as ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions, but rather externally directed and heavily militarized NATO-Gulf State and Anglo-American led military proxy wars for control of those countries. Note how none of the pro-Western monarchies dotted along North Africa and the Middle East were ever touch by any of these social network-driven wonderous grassroots movements…
Now a suspicious murder in Tunisia, and a not so surprising outcome in the making: calls for a new ‘technocrat’ government.
Tunisia has now slipped down a level lower than it was before the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Now we can see the Arab Spring for what it really was – a lesson myth making.
Africa Review touched on one aspect of the technocrat discussion recently:
This year alone Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Senegal, Tunisia and Somalia all picked engineers for their top offices, leading Prof Juma to argue that “the road to [African] democracy is being bridged by a rising technocracy.”
“The change in the technical background of African leaders may appear random, but it represents a significant realignment of Africa’s top positions with the continent’s contemporary development challenges,” wrote Prof Juma, who also co-chairs the AU’s High Level Panel on Science, Technology and Innovation.
The technocrat wave had already visited struggling Europe last year following the advent of the Eurozone crisis, especially in Italy and Greece, as non-politicians secured briefs to carry out the painful reforms that purely political operators would not want to take on their own…”
Just as the European central banking ‘techocrats’ seized control of the Greek and Italian governments last year, they are have officially taken control of the government in Tunisia. Notice how Barack Obama and David Cameron are at a loss for words, and are unlikely to ever comment on what has become of the Arab Spring.
Wait for news of Tunisia’s international debt schedule to the big banks, and allowing western corporation into the country to run any previously state-run assets – that will tell the real story.
Will Tunisians accept a ‘technocrat’ regime? We’ll see soon enough. If they do, expect more western-favoured technocrats to move through the region and beyond…
Jebali’s proposal for temporary technocratic government
Tarek Amara
Daily Star
TUNIS: Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali said Wednesday he would form a government of technocrats without political affiliations, after the murder of opposition leader Chokri Belaid sparked violent protests.
“I have decided to form a government of competent nationals without political affiliation, which will have a mandate limited to managing the affairs of the country until elections are held in the shortest possible time,” – Jebali said in a televised address to the nation.
He did not explicitly say that he was dissolving the existing government, nor did he name future ministers or set a date for the cabinet reshuffle, which must be confirmed by the national assembly.
Jebali’s announcement comes after a months-long impasse between his Islamist party Ennahda and its secular coalition partners over the distribution of ministries.
Jebali said that plans to form a government of technocrats had stalled before the “odious (killing) that has shocked our people.”
“(Belaid’s) assassination has quickened my decision, for which I assume full responsibility before God and before our people,” he added.
The secular parties in government have been demanding that key ministries be assigned to independents, a move rejected by Ennahda hardliners, including party head Rached Ghannouchi.
Jebali is considered a moderate within his party and favourable to the justice and foreign affairs ministries being allocated to non-political figures.
Planned fresh polls are unable to take place before the adoption of a new constitution, whose drafting has also failed to make progress because of wrangling within the National Constituent Assembly elected in October 2011.
READ MORE TECHNOCRACY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Technocracy Files