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Question: Who Killed More – Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?

21WIRE | No is answer is straightforward, but one of the men seems to leap ahead in the pogrom poll.

Georgia Judge Suspended for Comparing Attack on US Monuments to ISIS Actions

21WIRE + RT | The culture wars have officially begun in America. Where will it end?

Boiler Room EP #122 – Charlottesville & The History of Violent Cultural Revolution

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Infidel Pharaoh, Daniel Spaulding and Randy J analyze the Charlottesville events, the hysteria of the mainstream media and the triggering of the left.

Hillary Clinton Concocting Tales of ‘New Soviet Union’ Whilst Ignoring Fascist Collectives in US

21st Century Wire says… Like most big politicos these days, Hillary Clinton’s political intellect is based on her ability to pump out sound bites which are fed to her in passing during the course of each day, causing them to become out of touch with what the people on the street are really feeling. Instead, […]

Obama Wins Second Term, But America Remains More Divided Than Ever

21WIRE | Obama could be the most divisive president in US history – not because of his color, but because of his politics.

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