21WIRE | Who financed Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
WHAT’S NEXT: Doing The Global Currency Shuffle
By Brandon Smith Alt Market July 18, 2011 In mainstream financial circles, the concept of a global currency is often spoken of only with an atmosphere of caution. It is approached always in hypothetical terms. It is whispered of as some far off dream; a socio-economic moon landing in the far reaches of fiscal space. […]
Libya says NATO raids killed 718 civilians (so far)
AFP | NATO: “The Gaddafi regime is finished, he must leave office, he must leave the country”.
Ron Paul: ‘We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship’
Steve Watson | The President can now order assassinations – including American citizens, operate secret military tribunals, engage in torture, enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process.
Tony Cartalucci | The whole world is their oyster, and the nation-state their plaything.
Patrick Henningsen on Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory
Coast2Coast AM | Patrick’s first appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio show with host George Noory.
Scold’s Bridle: A practical solution to Egypt’s problems and our own
The Runnymede Institute | Our ancestors had simple, pragmatic solutions for troublemakers.
The cold truth: Climate Science is anything but “settled”
The debate is now open: watch this fantastic and informative 5 part interview series with the UK’s Lord Monckton covering all aspects of the great global warming and climate change debate – IPCC scientific fraud, global government and the realisation of a New World Order designed by a global elite… A sharp and very complete interview with the UK’s […]
The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange
Patrick Henningsen | Al Gore’s Green Elephant collapses in a heap of star dust, but not before Gore and Blood sell out and leave town.
Alex Jones Talks About the film ‘The Road’ and Our History
21WIRE | A film about a dystopic nightmare world after total political, social and environmental collapse takes place.
Obama’s Internet Czar Cass Sunstein wants to turn off the lights on Free Speech
Jerry Mazza | Those who talk truth to power will be taxed or banned – I hear the clicking of boot heels as I write.
New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans
Patrick Henningsen | As the dollar slides down the monetary toilet, you can expect the US gov’t will stop non-elite citizens from parking their money off shore.
Lethal Moron: Danny Glover Blames Haiti Earthquake on ‘Climate Change’
By Patrick Henningsen As Haiti realizes its damage and death toll from this week’s catastrophic earthquake, Hollywood’s well-intentioned globalist cheerleaders are lining up to seize on the political opportunity, this time laying blame for the natural disaster on a likely culprit… global warming and climate change. During his recent interview on GritTV, Hollywood actor and […]
Arnold Arrives in Copenhagen for Final Push Towards Global Government
Patrick Henningsen | Clearly, a recipe for fraud and fiat money laundering on a scale which mankind has never witnessed before.