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3D Printing Umbilical Cord Clamps Made in Haiti

The Sentinel | Our goal is to empower local Haitians to think differently about their surroundings and potential.

St. Helens lifts ban on teachers carrying guns in schools

KGW.COM | “The district has now given permission to have guns on campus.”

Child victim of US drone strikes to address Congress

RT | For the first time in its history, the US Congress is to hear directly from a family of survivors of an American drone strike in Pakistan

Jimmy Savile chauffeur paedophile with 22 convictions found dead

The Telegraph | Smith was the first person to be charged under Operation Yewtree, the national investigation prompted after claims were made against disgraced TV presenter Savile.

Blogger posts videos allegedly showing Syria rebels using chemical weapons

RT | Prominent blogger ‘Brown Moses’, allegedly shows Syrian rebels using chemical weapons.

Signs of Change – September 2013 – Part 1

21WIRE | Like a wild river, the debate over man-made environmental crisis’s rages on.

Edward Snowden in secret hide away in Russia

Metro News | Edward Snowden has been in Russia since the beginning of August, still looking over his shoulder.

New York cops shoot two bystanders on Broadway

New York Post | The two officers who opened fire are rookies, with 18 months and three years on the job.

Ex-Florida Marine and Wife Found Guilty of Horrific Crime

Daily News | Accused of abusing his own daughter and his girlfriend’s daughter, man will be sentenced 10 years to life in prison.

Brazil president cancels American visit over NSA spying

Associated Press | Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced Tuesday that she was putting off a state visit to the U.S. next month to protest an American spy program.

Public Mail is also being monitored

Mox News | spying programs go far beyond phone calls and Emails.

Cocaine found at Brussels Parliament

The Telegraph | Parliamentary officials said they were not aware of any problem of cocaine abuse among staff but clearly, someone is on the gear.

The Houses of Charliement

The Sun | Undercover reporters found traces of cocaine in 9 different government toilets frequented by Tory, Lib Dem and Labour MPs.

Saudi princess charged with human trafficking posts $5 million bail next day

AP | Earlier in the day she had appeared in court wearing a dark blue jail jumpsuit to answer to one felony charge of human trafficking.

UK becomes first country in world to approve IVF using genes of 3 parents

Independent | Britain is set to become the first country in the world to allow a controversial IVF technique that produces embryos with DNA from three people in an attempt to rid some affected families of serious genetic disorders.

George W. Bush defends PRISM: ‘I put that program in place to protect the country’

Huff Post | Anyone who thinks Obama and Bush are somehow different should really look again…

Egypt Countdown: Morsi slams army ultimatum as 48hr deadline

RT | At least 5 ministers resigned amid anti-government protests which were joined by millions, with the military promising to deploy on Tahrir square to guard the demonstrators.

War Crimes: Obama’s arrest, Bush’s trial

RT | “We’ll get Bush in the US”, sats the world’s top war crimes prosecutor…

In Sri Lanka: Who’s behind anti-Muslim violence?

RT | The Sri Lankan Defense Secretary lends support to monks: “It is the monks who protect this country, religion and race”.

Arab Spring Part 2: Egyptians demand resignation in ‘world’s largest protest’

RT | Egypt’s protest movement has given the president an ultimatum to step down by Tuesday or face a mass rebellion.

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