Andrew McKillop | Syria has exposed a disturbing picture of what they call the ‘international community’.
Empire Games and The Syrian Headbanger
Andrew McKillop | America and France’s downsized imperial dreams may soon have jumbo-sized competitors.
Anti-Stand Your Ground PSA Video a gross violation of liberty
21WIRE + Watchdog Wire | The Government and media choose events to suit an overall agenda, omitting the truth.
Will Obamacare be the ‘Pandora’s Box’ of the Neo-Eugenics Movement?
21Wire + WE | There is no telling what kind of ‘Pandora’s Box’ Obamacare will be.
A New, Not-So-Cold War – Being Run Through Proxies
21wire+TDS | A Game of Thrones is very much in play between the former Cold War powers.
Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works
Patrick Henningsen | Everyone is calling for a global corporate tax regime, but not one dare ask who will be in charge of it.
Transatlantic Union: Scandals, Scoundrels and Global Trade Partners?
Shawn Helton | The bizarre new world of joint press conferences is beginning to prove the theory of a global government.
UK Column Live – Conference for Freedom in Press and Media 2013
UK Column | Exposing The Leveson Common Purpose: The battle for press and internet freedom is now on.
Visionary: Larry McDonald’s Stark Predictions Manifest Today
21st Century Wire | A look back at an American visionary who 30 years ago was right about many things.
Explained: Transhumanist Agenda’s Biblical Roots
21st Century Wire | There are still aspects of history and ancient religious texts which we have yet to decode…
Why Does America Media Continue to Honour Henry Kissinger?
21st Century Wire | The macabre political cult of Henry Kissinger is enough to make anyone’s stomach turn.
Rightful Heirs: Royal Babylon and the Power of the Monarchy | When royalty drives past the flag-waving crowds, behind the smiles they might well be laughing.
Is Murdoch’s media trying to scare people away from using Bitcoins?
Sky News | Sky News trying to scare people away from using Bitcoins. Oh no, it’s unregulated!
There’s a Whole Class of Treasonous ‘Intellectuals’ in America, Always Ready to Shill on Behalf of the Powerful
Alternet | The rewriting of history by the power elite was painfully evident as the nation marked the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War.
Bill Gates and Polio: ‘New vaccines can help reduce population by 10-15%’
BIN | Gates, along with Bloomberg, are members of an exclusive elite club. You have to buy your way in…
Austerity is a Scam: Crisis Legislation and Dodgy Debt Repayment Schemes
Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin | Promissory Notes to Government Bonds…
John Vodila | Through the ultimate deception of communism and terrorism they have never been so close to finalizing and setting in stone our New World Order.
‘Non-Political Technocrats’ Takeover Tunisia Govt as Arab Spring Myth Crumbles
Daily Star | Notice how there are suddenly calls for a new ‘technocrat’ government.