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‘To Stop Clinton’: The TOP Reason Americans Will Vote for Trump

21WIRE | A greater percentage of people are willing to vote to stop Hillary than Trump.

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton: Defensive Realist vs. War Hawk?

21WIRE | How will Trump and Hillary’s foreign policies differ?

Top 5 Points from Hillary Clinton’s Email Speech Which Prove She’s Untrustworthy

SPECIAL FEATURE | How can someone attempting to subvert accountability be allowed the powers of the presidency?

Clinton Gravy Train: Holding America to Ransom on Paid Junket Tour?

21WIRE + WP | What introspective lessons can Hillary teach us from her gilded pulpit?

CONFIRMED: Hillary Clinton Will Run for President in 2016

21WIRE | Just when you thought it can’t get any worse…

Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition

21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.

Fighting in Gaza leaves U.S. in difficult position with Turkey, Egypt

Washington Post | Hillary was busy in Israel, making sure nothing good happened for Palestinians.

SCARY: Hillary Clinton laughs about possible war against Iran

21WIRE | One of the most crass and cruel speeches made yet – from the Clinton ‘Dynasty’.

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