TNT Radio | The GMO and BioTech cartel are using covert tactics to bypass safety regulations. Can they be stopped?
INTERVIEW: Sir Julian Rose – New ‘Redesigned’ GMOs Threaten Food Supply
Alert! New ‘Redesigned GMOs’ Being Forced on Farmers and Consumers
Julian Rose | The GMO food cartel have now found a way to subvert countries who have previously banned their dubious products.
New U.S. Research Finds Evidence Linking Monsanto Weedkiller to Cancer
The New Lede | New study unloads another bombshell on this already damaged brand.
ONE HEALTH: Food Security and the Catalyst for Manufactured Emergencies
Freddie Ponton | Who controls the food supply, controls the people, and with it the destiny of humanity.
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
F. William Engdahl | The truth about modern virology and the real cause of the alleged polio epidemic.
How Bill Gates Runs COVID and Global Food Policy
Dr Joseph Mercola | While Gates is just one man, his clout is magnified by the large number of organizations he funds which then do his bidding on the sly.
GMO, Chemical Farming and The Loss of Human Health – Dr. Zach Bush
Dr. Zach Bush | The evidence is overwhelming. The question now is: what are we going to do about it?
SUNDAY SCREENING: Fillet Oh Fish! (2013)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Farmed Salmon — one of the most toxic foods in the world.
New Indonesian Capital in Borneo: From Rural Misery to Grody Dreams of Urban Glory
Andre Vltchek and Mira Lubis | On the ground tracking the latest grand project, and yet another re-distribution of the national wealth into the hands of transnational elites.
Not All Bad: EU May BAN Monsanto Weedkiller Over Health Concerns
21WIRE | Monsanto is having a much tougher time in the EU than in the US.
CORPORATE COLLUSION: Monsanto Had Academics Write Articles Supporting GMOs
21WIRE | The world of science is absolutely not free from manipulation.
GMO Mafia: Washington Paid-Off To Hide GMO Ingredients In Our Food
Christina Sarich | US Congress members who were paid to vote for keeping the public from knowing what is in their food.
Seeds of Destruction: How They’ve Hijacked Our World’s Food Supply
F. William Engdahl | Today more than ever, the world’s food resources are being hijacked by giant corporations that are turning farms into factories and replacing natural resources with GMOs.
21st Century Eugenics: Population Reduction Done Through Vaccine Poisons
SARTRE | This endless list of vaccines is bringing home record profits, but will eventually kill off millions in the process.
Episode #35 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Seeds of Deception: Ukraine and Monsanto’ with guests Vladimir Suchan and James From The Internet
SUNDAY WIRE | An update on the Ukraine and coverage from the Monsanto March in New York City, and a psychoanalysis of European royals and elites.
Indigenous Mayans Ban Monsanto – So Why Can’t the US and Europe Do the Same?
21WIRE + Natural Health Warriors | Western resistance to Monsanto and the Gene Giants is pathetic compared to poorer countries.
Orwellian Irradiated ‘Franken-Foods’ Are The New Normal
Andrew McKillop | From bullets to bread, it’s important to know where your radioactivity is coming from.
Global Protest: ‘March Against Monsanto’ – Live Updates
RT | GMO protest has now gone global, with over 2 million people in 436 cities, across 52 countries marching this weekend.
Reality Behind the Myth: Why GMOs Can Never Be Safe
Dr Mercola | Monsanto and other biotech companies claim genetically modified (GM) crops have no impact on anything, but they are wrong…
Monsanto’s Next Target: Democracy
Alternet | The battle for food sovereignty is a battle we cannot afford to lose.