SUNDAY SCREENING | Understanding the key battlegrounds of internet privacy and the push for collective action to protect individual freedoms in the digital age.
Bill Gates is Ready to Capitalize on ‘The Next Pandemic’
21WIRE | To keep the game going, Gates has reemerged from the shadows this week, preparing the public for ‘the next pandemic.’
African Journalist: ‘Biden’s Omicron African Travel Ban is Built on a Lie’
21WIRE | African media challenge White House press secretary Jen Psaki over dubious Omicron claims.
An Open Letter to All ‘Good Germans’
Alison Blunt | Those who ‘just followed orders’ and ‘rules’ in order to keep their careers and societal standings are causing and continue to cause unimaginable and needless suffering in the world.
VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: ‘Propaganda, 9/11 and The Global War on Terror’
Online Event | Patrick Henningsen hosts this special online conference with academic from around the world – exploring 9/11, its impact and geopolitical legacy 20 years after this historic event.