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War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030

F. William Engdahl | Their goal is nothing short of the complete destruction of the existing food supply line structure – and replace it will a top-down control system.

Putin: Despite Sanctions, Russia Still Outperforming Many G20 Nations

21WIRE | Putin believes that the stability of the Russian economy is due to combined efforts by government and business.

UKC News: G20 Schwabian Vaxx Pass and Zelensky’s ‘Peace’ Charade

UKC News | Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley with the end of week news round-up.

Another Beyoğlu Blast: Getting Ready for Turkey’s 2023 Election Season

Dr. Can Erimtan | Once again, it’s about convincing the Turkish electorate to vote for stability over insecurity.

Deceiving West, Detached Elites: Highlights of Putin’s Speech at Eastern Economic Forum

21WIRE | Putin rails against the West’s crazy economic suicide policies and their vain attempt to cling to a crumbling global hegemon status.

New US Sec State Tillerson Describes First Meeting with Russia’s Lavrov as “Productive”

21WIRE + RT | Lavrov: “You should know we do not interfere in the domestic matters of other countries.”

SYRIA: Negotiations and The Battlefield ~ Dr Bouthaina Shaaban

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban | Putin has always called for a true international anti-terrorism coalition, an effort currently blocked by the US.

Le Passeport Magique! Don’t Leave Home Without It!

21WIRE | Why would supposed ‘suicide bombers’ all pack their passports on a one-way jihad?

Putin: ‘ISIS Financing Comes From G20 Member Nations’

21WIRE | Putin points out the disturbing source of the world’s ISIS problem.

Episode #60 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Beyond Thunderdome’ with Patrick Henningsen, guest Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Covering the week’s top stories from the US, Europe… and beyond.

Wide Awake: Designer Democracy Rejected by Global Awakening Over Syria

21st Century Wire | Globalism and democracy have reached an “event horizon” by being sucked into its own black hole of political deception.

Lame Duck: Will Obama’s strike plan fade after lack of support?

21Wire + DC | Obama has been shut down by a massive campaign from Americans to vote “no” on Syria.


Andrew McKillop | Treating food and energy together is more productive than treating them apart, making it urgent these two themes are given the same political acknowledgement and treatment.

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