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SUNDAY SCREENING: Fight Against Big Data & Surveillance (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Understanding the key battlegrounds of internet privacy and the push for collective action to protect individual freedoms in the digital age.

Snowden: Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like ‘Child’s Play’

21WIRE | ‘We trusted the government and Big Tech not to screw us….but they did.’

London’s Smart City: A Blueprint for Technocracy

21WIRE | Behind the green mask are globalist oligarchs who seek to use these altruistic and progressive sounding initiatives to establishment a new century of dominance.

The Scale of This Digital Dragnet Has Reached Epic Proportions

21WIRE | The implications of this will render concepts like personal freedom and sovereignty meaningless. Where do we go from here?

Tony Blair Calling for Digital IDs, Immunity Passports

21WIRE + BBC | Still relentlessly pushing an illiberal globalist agenda of total surveillance.

COVID-19 Crisis: Why is West copying all China’s COVID policies?

21WIRE | Has the Coronavirus crisis initiated a process of harmonization for global fascism?

UKC News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.

COVID-19: California Doctors Question Efficacy of Draconian ‘Lockdown’ Policy

21WIRE | Independent medical professionals hit back at Google’s censorship regime and government misinformation about Coronavirus.

China’s New ‘Coronavirus’ Surveillance Grid: 24/7 Tracking, Big Data, Drones – A Permanent State

21WIRE | China’s ‘national monitoring experiment’ will not go away after COVID-19 is finally ‘contained.’ Rather, the measures will be permanent.

Global Surveillance State: Plans for New EU-US Transatlantic Facial-recognition Database

21WIRE | Don’t look now, but that dystopian vision of the future is now upon us.

INTERVIEW: Ian R. Crane on the Safety of the 5G Roll-Out

21WIRE | Communities are beginning to push-back against the UK’s highly rushed 5G roll-out, but is the industry listening?

Authoritarian Inc: Facebook Declares It’s a ‘Publisher’ and Will Censor Who It Wants

21WIRE | Facebook’s dilemma: the harder it enforces its biased political censorship agenda, the harder citizens and their elected representatives will push-back.

Surveillance State: Blacklisting and the Secret Habit Employers Can’t Seem to Kick

True Publica | How the British security agencies conspired with employers to profile and blacklist politically active citizens.

Biometric Fight: Facebook Defeated on Facial Recognition, But Google, Amazon Still Pushing Ahead

21WIRE | Finally, the people have chalked-up a major win against a tech giant, but the real battle is only just beginning.

Question: What Exactly Are the Politics of Jeff Bezos?

Eric Zuesse | Society has a choice: either we get more of Big Brother, or an expanding democracy. Which side is Bezos on?

100 Spies Will Monitor All SMS and Email Going In and Out of Norway

Nettavison | Part of Norway’s skyrocketing expenditures on cyber-spying and surveillance.


John Pilger | The “Ministry of Truth” is preparing us for Nuclear War.

VID – Katy Perry Meltdown: MK Ultra Explained in 80s Film Predicting SJWs

Jay Dyer | Was Katy Perry’s meltdown a hammed up, planned routine as a PR stunt, or part of an actual occult mind control project used with pop stars?

Media Links Domestic Drone Surveillance to Trump with ZERO Evidence

21WIRE | More fake news from a corporate outlet.

WAR ON WORDS: Facebook Censorship Widens, Website to Curate ‘Favored’ News

21WIRE + Business Insider | Facebook’s assault on alternative media continues – as a new censorship regime comes into play.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue