Middle Nation | Dismantling Peterson’s dubious ‘clash of civilizations’ narrative.
Migrant Crisis Files
Europe's so-called 'Migrant Crisis' has fueled headlines now since 2013, as the Western establishment and its media continue to pretend that recent migrant waves are an organic phenomenon, and obsess on Left-Right political arguments in Europe and the US, while ignoring the primary triggers for this event - namely, the West's intentional military and proxy wars in both Libya, Syria, Sudan and also Afghanistan. Learn more about this issue in our 21WIRE archives here...
Shahid Bolsen Responds to Jordan Peterson’s Piers Morgan Interview
INTERVIEW: Is Elon Musk Intoxicated with Virtual Political Power?
Jamarl Thomas | Is he a megalomaniac on a dangerous power trip?
INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Taylor Hudak – Is Future of the Schengen Region at Risk?
TNT Radio | The potential risks and impact of current EU migration policies.
Biden Blackmail: Won’t Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan Funds
21WIRE | The perfect storm of bad policies in Washington.
Biden Signs Executive Order to Deploy Troops to Mexican Border to ‘Fight Drug Cartels’
DEA Seizes 15,000 Fentanyl Pills Disguised as Candy
Sara Carter | Cartels are taking advantage of teens’ obsession with the internet by selling the drugs on social media.
UN Report: 50 million People Trapped in ‘Modern Slavery’
21WIRE | ‘It is shocking that the situation of modern slavery is not improving.’
Migrant Crisis: ‘US Border States Must Declare An Invasion’
21WIRE | What will it take to allow states and their residents to act in their own interests and security?
An Inconvenient Truth: Democrats Actively Promote a ‘Great Replacement’ Agenda
21WIRE | Chief among the believers of Democrats’ own ‘Great Replacement’ plan – is Joe Biden himself.
This is Why Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Are Crashing
21WIRE | According to the latest survey, Americans are no longer confident the President can handle the day to day challenges of running the country.
Victor Davis Hanson and ‘The Dying Citizen’
Uncommon Knowledge | Can America survive this engineered shift away from the nation state and constitutional republic?
American Identifies as Mexican to Avoid Biden Vaccine Mandate
Tyler Fischer | Turns out the solution is easier than you thought.
Biden Now Threatening to Fire Border Patrol Agents Who Are Not Vaccinated
21WIRE | The White House attempts to deflect attention from its open border policy by attacking the federal border patrol agents.
Texas Sends State Law Enforcement to Rio Grande After Federal Agencies Fail to Secure Border
21WIRE | In the face of federal government’s failure to manage the border, Texas has been forced to take matters into its own hands.
Leftwing, Antifa Mobs Attack and Burn Federal ICE Building in Portland
21WIRE | Violent mobs chanted, ‘Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!’