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INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Blake Lovewell – Bitcoin’s Role In The Global Economy

TNT Radio | Is de-dollarization the future of global currency?

BRICS Coin – The Unit vs The Dollar

Blake Lovewell | A brief overview of the key building blocks of the BRICS financial system including the ‘Unit’.

SUNDAY SCREENING: TOKEN – Economic System Of The Future (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Exploring the concept of tokenization that’s revolutionizing finance with decentralized systems challenging the central banking cartels.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Bitcoin ETF Tremor + Global Economy’

TNT Radio | BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF move may trigger some volatility in the crypto market.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘2024 Crypto and Bitcoin Outlook’

TNT Radio | The state of the Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space heading into the new year.

Blake Lovewell: The State of Cryptocurrency in 2024

Blake Lovewell | Heading into the new year, a summary review and analysis of the cryptocurrency space.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Bitcoin Rally: A New Floor?’

TNT Radio | What’s the macro outlook for early 2024?

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – ‘SDNY: Cholo, SBF and Tins of Mackerel’

TNT Radio | Unpacking the latest high-profile legal dramas in the US high courts.

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – The Sam Bankman Fried Verdict

TNT Radio | Sam Bankman Fried is found guilty on multiple charges at SDNY federal court.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘How Elites Profit from Wars & Calamities’

TNT Radio | As the wars increase, western defense stocks keep going up. 

Establishment Now Using ‘Hamas’ as Excuse to Demonize, Target Bitcoin

21WIRE | To paraphrase Bush Jr. from the War of Terror days, you’re either with the central bankers – or you’re with the terrorists.

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – UN: US Vetoes Gaza Ceasefire + Trump and SBF Trial Updates

TNT Radio | Unpacking the latest high-profile legal dramas in the UN and US high courts.

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – UN Quiet on Gaza Genocide + SBF Trial

TNT Radio | Unpacking the latest high-profile legal dramas out of the US high courts.

Domesday 2.0 – The CBDC Feudal World Order

Blake Lovewell | A global ‘Unified Ledger’ and the new worldwide Domesday Book.

7 Trends That Signal An Economic Disaster Is Rapidly Approaching

Michael Snyder | Best advice: brace yourself for impact.

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – Bankman-Fried Denied Bail + New Trump Trigger

TNT Radio | The latest legal dramas and traumas out of SDNY federal court in NYC.

INTERVIEW: Dustin Stockton – ‘CBDC Cashless Dystopia’

TNT Radio | Understanding the globalists’ CBDC power-grab, and the real threat it poses to future freedoms and civil liberties.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Get Ready: Here Comes Globalists CBDC Regime

TNT Radio | The Fed’s recent launch of Fed Now! is step one in the globalists’ plan the flip the entire financial system.

UKC News: Fed Now! & CBDC Roll-out, NATO Incites Russia With Attack on Kerch Bridge

UKC News | Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen, Mike Robinson and guest Alex Thomson with the end of week news round-up.

REVEALED: Global System of Digital Identification ‘For All’ Connected to Our Bank Accounts

21WIRE | Incredibly, most people still do not understand the full implications of this new system of control.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue