TNT Radio | Will NATO attempt another stunt as they did last summer when they set explosives to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines?
INTERVIEW: Markus Kraus – Is NATO’s ‘Air Defender’ Drill a Trigger for War?
INTERVIEW: Kevork Almassian – ‘What Was Zelensky Doing at The Arab League?’
TNT Radio | NATO-backed chutzpah: Zelensky criticized Arab leaders for not condemning Russia enough.
VIDEO: Independent Media Covering Referendum in Donbass
21WIRE | The snap referendums have triggered a political crisis among G7 countries.
Deceiving West, Detached Elites: Highlights of Putin’s Speech at Eastern Economic Forum
21WIRE | Putin rails against the West’s crazy economic suicide policies and their vain attempt to cling to a crumbling global hegemon status.
Biden, G-7 Announce Ban on All Russian Gold Imports
Zero Hedge | As with all of their sanctions against Russia, this one could also backfire badly on the West.
G7: Leaders to Pledge ‘Indefinite Support’ for Proxy Ukraine
Ciaran O’Rourke | Well, what could possibly go wrong?
Biden Orders Millions of Monkeypox Vaccines After One Alleged ‘Infection’
21WIRE | And just like that – with a flip of the ‘global pandemic’ switch, the public money is once again flowing directly to Big Pharma.
CrossTalk: The Real Afghan Agenda + Has the Great Reset Already Begun?
CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle speaks with guests Marcus Papadopoulos and Patrick Henningsen.
YouTube Erases RT’s Flagship Channel RT Deutsch Over Alleged ‘Medical Misinformation’
Patrick Henningsen | A dangerous move in banning state media – which threatens to start a tit-for-tat media war between the West and Russia.
Webinar: ‘Tools of Destabilisation: Mainstream Media Propaganda’
IRTVU | Exploring the use of propaganda as a Western tool of destabilisation of countries targeted for regime change.
Putin-Biden Summit: Why Washington Will Fail, Again
Patrick Henningsen | Washington continues to project its own fantasy fiction about Russia and Putin.
Craig Murray on G7: ‘The Decline of Western Power’
Craig Murray | ‘NATO seem to have discovered their new enemy… by reading Ian Fleming.’
UKC News: Biden, Boris at G7, Plan to ‘Vaccinate the World’
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen for the end of week news round-up.
Biden, Kerry and Climate: 5 Dirty Secrets Behind Radical ‘Decarbonization’ Plans
21WIRE | New ‘green’ measures designed to kill the American economy, while making the party’s donor class oligarchs even wealthier than ever.
Allies? Israel, Saudis Move to Preempt Trump Bid for Iran Talks
21WIRE | Painfully obvious now: Israel and Saudi Arabia oppose peace in the Middle East.
#WeAreNATO: New NATO PR Campaign Begins Targeting Youth
21WIRE | Targeting the next generation of leaders and voters.
G7 Protests: Much To Do About Nothing
Patrick Henningsen | It all sounds very noble, but how useful is it really?