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INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – ‘US Court Free Speech Ruling + J6 Kangaroo Court’

TNT Radio | The latest scandals to hit the US courts from the Biden White House administration’s ability to censor free speech on social media to trials of the alleged “January 6th insurrectionists”.

Rumble Video Goes Public on NASDAQ

21WIRE | Is online freedom of speech finally going to be a reality?

Mass Surveillance Dystopia: Smartphones and Social Media

Academy of Ideas | Our new virtual hyper-reality is having a profound influence on people’s behaviour, and may irrevocably alter human relations.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Childhood 2.0’ (2020)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Social media is the largest social engineering experiment on children in human history. How will it end?

UK COLUMN: BREXIT, Integrity Initiative, US Senate Yemen Resolution, ‘The World in 2019′ with guest Mark Anderson

UK Column News | UK Column co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with guest Mark Anderson present the early week news round-up…

Rage Against Fake Everything and The Liberal World Order Downfall – Boiler Room #179

Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room returns for its weekly analysis of all things interwebz, news, events and oddities.

Disgracebook: ‘Work With Us or Die’

21WIRE + Common Dreams | A senior Facebook executive has told news publishers in Australia to either work with Facebook or die.

Fascistbook: ‘Censorship Does Not End Well’

21WIRE + Matt Taibbi | The recent deplatforming of Alex Jones does not bode well for the future of free speech.

WATCH: Russia ‘Meddling’ Hysteria Gave Us Social Media Censorship

The Duran | It started with Hillary Clinton’s big ’17 US intelligence agencies’ lie and has now morphed into an Orwellian social media purge.

Political Censorship of InfoWars and Ron Paul Institute – Dialectics in Action – Boiler Room EP #176

Alternate Current Radio | The Boiler Gang explores the recent coordinated attacks against InfoWars and other popular media outlets by Facebook, Apple, Google and Spotify. What does this mean for ALL citizens of the United States and of the Interwebz!?

Angela Merkel Plans to Fine Social Media Sites $522,000 per Day for “Fake News”

21WIRE + The Duran | Germany is considering imposing a legal regime that would allow fining social networks such as Facebook up to 500,000 euros.

No Credibility in Barrage of “Final Message” Social Media Posts From East Aleppo

21WIRE + RT | ‘In the Now’ found there’s little to indicate that the people appearing in the mobile videos were actual civilians experiencing the hyped ‘Russian and Syrian shelling’.

‘Social Experimenter’ Exposed As a Fake on Aussie TV

21WIRE + Live Leak | This is a common practice employed by many ‘famous’ YouTube pranksters.

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