Tim Hayward | If we are intimidated into restricting our attention to ‘authorised’ questions, what kind of society do you think we are heading for?
Known in Britain simply as "The Beeb" - it's one of mainstream media's greatest-ever broadcast institutions, but in recent years it has garnered a different reputation - as one the Establishment's most relentless propaganda outlets. Explore our BBC archives...
On Syria, Media & Propaganda: Academic Freedom and Setting An Example
Lost the Plot: UK Gov Accuses Human Beings of Being ‘Russian Bots’
21WIRE | A look inside UK Gov-Media Complex and NATO’s smear campaigns and online harassment which seems designed to defame and discredit any independent social media users, bloggers and journalists speaking truth to power.
Craig Murray: Why Mainstream Media are Attacking Indy Media
Craig Murray | The lauded “Index on Censorship” is a farce – Britain is now waging a pernicious war against any independent voices and political dissent online.
FULL INTERVIEW: Sergei Lavrov Dismantles BBC ‘Hard Talk’ Host Stephen Sackur on Syria, Skripal
21WIRE | This interview demonstrates just how desperate the BBC are to control their unraveling narratives.
UK COLUMN: US-UK-France’s Nonexistent Case on Syrian WMDs and More Murdoch Fake News
UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen breakdown the Syrian situation and more.
WHITE HELMETS: Channel 4, BBC, The Guardian – Architects of ‘Humanitarian’ War
Vanessa Beeley | The BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian are at the centre of the propaganda web that is rewriting history in favour of Al Qaeda.
LAST MEN IN ALEPPO: Al Qaeda Presented as ‘White Helmets’ for the Annual Terrorist ‘Oscar’ Nomination
Vanessa Beeley | A second Hollywood blockbuster to glorify the Nusra Front-affiliated White Helmets.
The US Coalition-Financed ‘Siege’ of East Ghouta Supported by BBC Propaganda
Jeremy Salt | Lies, deceit and forgeries have always been part of war, truth being ‘the first casualty.’
‘Global Britain’ is Financing Terrorism and Bloodshed in Syria and Calling it ‘Aid’
Vanessa Beeley | Global Britain hides its imperialist policy behind the barricade of aid contractors that provide plausible deniability.
BBC Deletes Tweet that Exposes Israel’s Westminster Privileges
21WIRE + MEM | The BBC has often been accused of pro-Israel bias.
BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood
Tim Hayward | Since the fighting stopped in Aleppo, the verifiable truth about people, places and events there, is emerging.
UK COLUMN: Brexit Backsliders, Ukraine in NATO, BBC Terror, Grenfell Numbers, Uber Ethics
UK Column News | UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson and 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up.
STRANGE INCIDENT: Man Arrested Outside Westminster Palace On Suspicion Of Carrying Knife
21WIRE | In another London incident, a man has been arrested at Westminster Palace today following an alarm raised about his ‘suspicious activity’.
Media on Trial: Disarming the #FakeNews Media Giants
21WIRE | Media on Trial, your opportunity to question the motives behind corporate media propaganda and bias
The CIA Doesn’t Need To Spy On Free Thinkers, The Private Sector Does It For Free
21WIRE + The Duran | Forget about state intelligence trying to censor you, we do a a great job of it on our own and alongside private companies.
Reviving the ‘Chemical Weapons’ Lie: New US-UK Calls for Regime Change, Military Attack Against Syria
Patrick Henningsen | Once again, the West are pushing hard on the chemical weapons angle in order to push for a more aggressive attack stance against Syria.
The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist
21WIRE | This year’s incredible line-up of MSM fake news All-Stars.
LONDON: Amber Rudd And UK Security Services Signal Further Privacy Encroachment
21WIRE + The Guardian | Encryption needs to be ‘accessible’ to spies in case of ’emergencies’ according to Amber Rudd.
Western Liberals & Middle East: How by Their Rejection of Arab Secularism They Embraced Wahhabi Terrorism
Nedka Babliku | Western deluded liberals obsession with branding Arab secularists as “dictators” has led them to embrace the most violent and depraved forms of Wahhabi Jihadism and terrorism.
Western Media’s #FakeNews in Syria is ‘Call Center Journalism’
Martin Jay + RT | Acts of mainstream media malice are contributing to the deaths of countless innocent people throughout the Middle East.