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Turkey Proxy Forces Dealt Major Blow to Field Command Operations in Idlib

21WIRE + Muraselon | Senior field commander in Turkish-backed NLF and terrorist group Ahrar al-Sham eliminated by Syrian military.

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Leeds Panel ‘Indicts’ Mainstream Press for its Media Malpractice on Syria

Mark Anderson | The jury is in, so any doubters of media lawlessness needn’t doubt anymore.

Victims of Rashideen Betrayed & Politicized by Western Media, Exploited by the White Helmets – Part One

Vanessa Beeley | The children who died in Rashideen were killed, tortured and maimed on film – willfully ignored by western mainstream media.

SYRIA: The Children of Kafarya and Foua are Crying in the Dark

Eva Bartlett | The forgotten children of Kafarya and Foua and NATO crimes against these villages

Syria Propaganda Shambles: US State Department “Moderate Rebel” Comedy Routine

Vanessa Beeley | US State Department takes terrorist “intermingling” to new heights.

SYRIA SHOCKER: John Kerry Torpedoes US ‘Moderate Rebel’ Narrative

Vanessa Beeley | US Secretary of State, John Kerry, exposes US backed terrorists in an extraordinary public admission.

Syria: US, NATO Terrorist Suicide Bombers Massacre Civilians in Coastal Towns

Vanessa Beeley | Syria: Huge scale US NATO terrorist suicide bomb attacks devastate coastal residential areas as US refuses to designate Ahrar al Sham a terrorist organisation.

Ahrar al-Sham jihadists emerge from shadows in north Syria

Daily Star ATME, Syria:  Jihadist group Ahrar  al-Sham is emerging from the shadows of the  larger rebel outfit Al-Nusra Front  as key player in northern Syria,  playing up its nationalist roots and more moderate form of Islam. Fighters from the group, whose name means in Arabic the “Free Men of Syria”,  are mainly to be […]

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