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‘Chemical Weapons in Syria: BBC Panorama Relies on Questionable Research’ – Global Network for Syria

Global Network for Syria | Response to BBC Panorama’s “Syria’s Chemical War” from Global Network for Syria.

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Leeds Panel ‘Indicts’ Mainstream Press for its Media Malpractice on Syria

Mark Anderson | The jury is in, so any doubters of media lawlessness needn’t doubt anymore.

‘Global Britain’ is Financing Terrorism and Bloodshed in Syria and Calling it ‘Aid’

Vanessa Beeley | Global Britain hides its imperialist policy behind the barricade of aid contractors that provide plausible deniability.

SYRIA: ‘Hand in Hand’ with Al Qaeda, the Ongoing Exposure of the NGO Complex

Robert Stuart | Another Syrian NGO bites the dust, exposed as Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda

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