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Thanksgiving Day Fake News Turkey Shoot: Boiler Room – Special Holiday Event

Alternate Current Radio | Special Thanksgiving Day Fake News Turkey Shoot and Parade Coverage featuring: Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh, Andy Nowicki and Randy J.

SYRIA: Sarin Attack Narrative Destroyed by MIT National Security Expert

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Further evidence that Assad’s use of chemical weapons is a lie.

White Helmets, Syria, NGO Complex and Corporate Media Responsibility for Starting Wars

Vanessa Beeley | Vanessa Beeley talks to Sane Progressive about all things Syrian and White Helmets

Media on Trial: Disarming the #FakeNews Media Giants

21WIRE | Media on Trial, your opportunity to question the motives behind corporate media propaganda and bias

From the Fringe to the Center: #FakeNews in the Context of Left-Right Dialectics

Branko Malić | Will the fringe become a new mainstream? It seems to be the case. But will the new mainstream be any less fake than the old one?

Is The Washington Post Waging a ‘Media War’ on President Trump?

21WIRE + Ron Paul Institute | Are mainstream outlets engaging in a media war against President Trump?

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Presidents aren’t judged by crowd sizes, but by their accomplishments’

21WIRE | Kellyanne Conway to Chuck Todd on Meet The Press: “We’re going to have to rethink our relationship with the media.”

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