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Webinar: ‘Tools of Destabilisation: Mainstream Media Propaganda’

IRTVU | Exploring the use of propaganda as a Western tool of destabilisation of countries targeted for regime change.

Vernon Coleman: ‘Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Establishment politicians, ‘public health experts’ and media have all lied about the risks involved with giving children the experimental COVID injection.

UK Bans China’s CGTN for Being Too Much Like the BBC

Brian Berletic | How the British suddenly found the shoe on the other foot.

UKC News: Australia Goes Full Authoritarian Over COVID, Vaccine Narrative Falters

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Russiagate Meets COVID: UK Spooks Claim ‘Cozy Bear’ Tried to Hack the Coronavirus Vaccine

21WIRE | Even after the official conspiracy theories have been widely discredited, Five Eyes agencies continue to plant outrageous Russian fantasy fiction in the mainstream press.

Journalist Exposes BBC Propaganda in Ukraine, Crimea and Beyond

Graham Phillips | Is the BBC really an impartial news outlet? We’ll let you be the judge of that…

Lawyer Claims That Prince Andrew’s BBC Interview is ‘Catastrophic Mistake’

21WIRE | Critics say that decision do high-profile piece was high-risk strategy, and likely just to draw unwanted attention to an unsavoury issue.

Extra Time: Helpful Tips in Surviving ‘Information Overload’

21WIRE.TV | Special bonus segment for members.

Surveillance State: Blacklisting and the Secret Habit Employers Can’t Seem to Kick

True Publica | How the British security agencies conspired with employers to profile and blacklist politically active citizens.

BBC Reveal Secret Chinese Plot to ‘Build Schools’ in Xinjiang, While Ignoring Saudi Importing Wahhabism

Tony Cartalucci | Latest western propaganda push is designed to conceal a deeper US-led agenda to destabilize western China.

Syria and War Propaganda: Robert Stuart vs the BBC

Susan Dirgham and Rick Sterling | Pulling back the veil on one of the biggest war propaganda deceptions in TV history.

INTERVIEW: Robert Stuart on Exposing BBC Faux ‘Documentary’ on Syria

SUNDAY WIRE | Exposing BBC Panorama’s infamous ‘documentary’ from Syria, broadcast in August 2013

Episode #278 – ‘The Art of Western Propaganda’ with guests Robert Stuart, Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

UK COLUMN: Collapse of Douma Narrative, Trump’s War on Fentanyl, Yellow Vest ‘Sub-species’

UK COLUMN | Mike Robinson & Brian Gerrish joined by guests Alex Thomson, Vanessa Beeley for news round-up.

WATCH: Media Losing Their Minds Over Craven ‘Russiagate’ Coverage

21WIRE | Mashing up the media’s craven ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory coverage.

Novichok Part Deux: A Fusion of Media, Government & Military

Kenny Coyle | As with the Skripal story, Amesbury demonstrates a very disturbing level coordination between the mainstream media, intelligence services and military.

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Leeds Panel ‘Indicts’ Mainstream Press for its Media Malpractice on Syria

Mark Anderson | The jury is in, so any doubters of media lawlessness needn’t doubt anymore.

Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable

Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.

Episode #231 – ‘Exposing the Government-Media Complex’ with guests Ian Shilling, Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

On Syria, Media & Propaganda: Academic Freedom and Setting An Example

Tim Hayward | If we are intimidated into restricting our attention to ‘authorised’ questions, what kind of society do you think we are heading for?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue