21WIRE | Given the chance, mainstream press outlets will bow in full compliance to the national security state.
Why Has the Guardian Declared War on Assange and WikiLeaks?
21WIRE | If you haven’t already, it really is time to Dump the Guardian and support independent media instead.
Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable
Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.
Deconstructing Olivia Solon’s Dim Conspiracy Theory of ‘Russia-backed Bloggers’ Undermining UK FCO White Helmets
UK Column | UK Column News co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson deconstruct the Guardian’s latest conspiracy theory.
Understanding The Guardian’s Latest ‘Russia-White Helmets’ Conspiracy Theory
Going Underground | According to The Guardian, everything is a “conspiracy” if it doesn’t fit the official government narrative.
Guardian Newspaper Pushing Fake News: ‘Putin Plotting to Cut Off UK Internet’
21WIRE | Unfortunately for the public at large, rather than investigate and publish real news, The Guardian appear to be inventing elaborate ‘secret Russian plots’.
Paparazzi & Propaganda: Infamous Paparazzo Legend Charlie Pycraft Tells All -JaysAnalysis (Half)
Jay Dyer | With both wild and entertaining stories, Mr. Pycraft shares his unique insights on fake and staged news, PR manufactured events, psychological operations, the UK hack and crack scandal and more.
Greenwald’s partner detained by UK border security under Schedule 7 of Terrorism Act
21WIRE + RT London | Partner Miranda was detained, questioned and had all of his electronic possessions confiscated
Wikileaks says: Ed Snowden has approached Iceland for asylum through intermediary
21st Century Wire | Giving you all the international intrigue that Serpico couldn’t…