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Why soldiers using an image of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice is not funny or clever.

Jonathan Cook | The media are manufacturing consent for potential increase in violence against Jeremy Corbyn.

STRANGE INCIDENT: Man Arrested Outside Westminster Palace On Suspicion Of Carrying Knife

21WIRE | In another London incident, a man has been arrested at Westminster Palace today following an alarm raised about his ‘suspicious activity’.

Syria White Helmets: NATO’s Shadow State Project Blueprint

Vanessa Beeley | The Syria White Helmets and the NGO Complex, NATO’s shadow state building project

WHO ARE SYRIA’S WHITE HELMETS (terrorist linked)?

Vanessa Beeley | Who are the White Helmets? A question we should all be asking as Jo Cox’s death is exploited by world governments to reinforce a US NATO shadow state inside Syria.

NEW POLL: ‘LEAVE’ Vote Has Increased Since Last Week’s Killing of British MP

21WIRE | Some polls are showing very different results than the mainstream British press are reporting.

Cameron calls MP Cox Killing ‘An Attack on Democracy’ as Thousands Turn Out for Her Vigil

21WIRE | This bizarre incident continues to be spun by politicians to gain the political upper hand.

British MP Shot and Stabbed, Suspect In Custody

21WIRE | A shocking attack in broad daylight in front of many witnesses – with huge social and political implications.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue