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THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria

Vanessa Beeley | THE VETO: An archive of some of the most heinous propaganda stunts produced by NATO-aligned media.

WHITE HELMETS: Channel 4, BBC, The Guardian – Architects of ‘Humanitarian’ War

Vanessa Beeley | The BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian are at the centre of the propaganda web that is rewriting history in favour of Al Qaeda.

LAST MEN IN ALEPPO: Al Qaeda Presented as ‘White Helmets’ for the Annual Terrorist ‘Oscar’ Nomination

Vanessa Beeley | A second Hollywood blockbuster to glorify the Nusra Front-affiliated White Helmets.

Exposing Corporate Media Deceit at the Media on Trial Event, London October 19th

21WIRE | Media on trial for facilitating endless war in service to the corporatocracy and military industrial complex.

WHITE HELMETS: The Jib-Al-Qubeh War Crime in Aleppo, Denied by Channel 4

Vanessa Beeley | Another White Helmet propaganda heist exposed by Syrian civilians in Aleppo.

BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood

Tim Hayward | Since the fighting stopped in Aleppo, the verifiable truth about people, places and events there, is emerging.

WHITE HELMETS: Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies – Endorsed by Channel 4

Vanessa Beeley | How much longer will we tolerate our taxpayers money supporting terrorism in Syria?

THE COLUMN: Channel 4’s Jihadi Mind Games, UK Police State, State Regulation of Internet

UK Column News | UK Column co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson, and joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen for today’s news round-up.

Media on Trial: Disarming the #FakeNews Media Giants

21WIRE | Media on Trial, your opportunity to question the motives behind corporate media propaganda and bias

The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist

21WIRE | This year’s incredible line-up of MSM fake news All-Stars.

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Channel 4 – Journalists or UK State-Funded Agents of ‘Change’?

Vanessa Beeley | After its shameful Syria coverage, we’re asking: Are Channel 4 a UK state propaganda outlet?

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Why Channel 4 “News” Owes an Apology to Syria

Tim Hayward | Channel 4 cheerleading for terrorism in Syria.

Channel 4 Joins CNN in Normalising Terrorism, Then Removes Their Own Video

Vanessa Beeley | Channel 4 propaganda is brought to us by extremists and Al Qaeda-linked mercenaries.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue