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BBC Deletes Tweet that Exposes Israel’s Westminster Privileges

21WIRE + MEM | The BBC has often been accused of pro-Israel bias.

STRANGE INCIDENT: Man Arrested Outside Westminster Palace On Suspicion Of Carrying Knife

21WIRE | In another London incident, a man has been arrested at Westminster Palace today following an alarm raised about his ‘suspicious activity’.

UK: Westminster Déjà Vu – Hyper-Realistic Stress Test Or Verifiable Tip Off

21WIRE + RT | Mohammed Khalid Omar Ali has been named as the suspect in yesterday’s apprehension at Whitehall in London.

Spooks Can’t Snoop: Twitter To Ban UK Government And Security Services From Accessing Public Data

21WIRE + RT | Is blocking the government and security services as easy as it sounds for Twitter.

Drowning In Data – Security Services Are Not Complaining

NEWS ALERT | We take a more indepth look at a former MI5 officer interview and scratch further into recent attacks.

LONDON: Five Dead And 40 Injured In ‘Terror’ Attack Outside UK Parliament

21WIRE + RT | London Police: “We are treating this as a terrorist incident until we know otherwise.

Litvinenko’s Brother: ‘Blaming Putin for murder is ridiculous – Britain had more reason to kill him’

21WIRE | Britain’s ‘probably, might have, maybe’ inquiry smacks of gutter politics of the international variety.

Was This Man Murdered For Exposing a London Paedophile Ring?

Sky News | They used the basement of gov’t housing headquarters so that “assaults could be performed without fear of interruption by other staff.”

Wikipedia Page Alteration: Has Derek Laud Been ‘Unfriended’ by Tory Elite?

The Needle | Someone doesn’t want to be linked to Tory gopher and party boy Derek Laud. Is it the Camerons?

FILM: ‘Max Keiser Does Westminster’

FILM: “MAX DOES WESTMINSTER” Directed & Edited by Jeff Angel and featuring Max Keiser and George Galloway. This film was funded, shot, edited & distributed (online) within 10 days. However, the information disseminated is both vital and timely. Max Keiser is a world renowned economic commentator and gives his breakdown of the history of ‘bubbles’ […]


21WIRE | Tories are being accused in paedophile and gay scandals and Cameron is feeling the heat.

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