Judith Tanner | Is Bana Alabed also a cursed child, whose future has already been mapped out for her by the war lobby?
Bana Alabed “Dear World”, Book Review by a Conscientious Objector
Bana Alabed the Exploited Child – War, to “Save the Children”
Ken Stone | Bana has been made to live a lie for at least two years now.
WHITE HELMETS: Taxpayers Funds Used to Finance Terrorism in Syria?
21WIRE + Sputnik | UK FCO is squandering UK taxpayers money on Syrian terrorist groups while austerity imposed at home.
Bana’s Pro-War Tweets Hit by Vanishing Spell Leading up to Book Launch
Caitlin Johnstone | We will never let people forget that the west is saturated in war propaganda.
Dear World: Inside the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Propaganda Story
21WIRE | A different story from the one being fed to the masses on mainstream media.
BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation
Vanessa Beeley + Khaled Iskef | Child exploitation is at the heart of the propaganda underpinning the UK/US intervention in Syria
UK COLUMN NEWS: Western Media Continue to Cash-in on the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Myth
UK Column News | UK Column News co-anchor Mike Robinson, joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley for this special news feature.
BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood
Tim Hayward | Since the fighting stopped in Aleppo, the verifiable truth about people, places and events there, is emerging.
Who is Authoring Little Bana’s Tweets if She Can’t Speak English?
21WIRE | New video brings to light potential that little Bana of Aleppo doesn’t know English well enough to author those highly politicized tweets on Aleppo violence.
ALEPPO: ‘Local Activists’ or Al Qaeda Rogue’s Gallery?
Paul Mansfield | The deceivers and misinformers bringing us news from the Al Qaeda frontlines in Syria.
When Bana Al-Abed Blocked @21WIRE on Twitter
21WIRE | All jokes aside, what is happening to Bana Alabed is not her fault.