Rainer Shea | Is The Guardian telling “deliberate lies?”
The Guardian’s Alarming Recent Record of Propaganda, Misinformation and Slander
Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable
Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.
SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and Survives.
Vanessa Beeley | The Guardian is following a well know recipe for “Humanitarian” war.
WHITE HELMETS: James Corbett – An Open Letter to Olivia Solon of The Guardian
James Corbett | The White Helmets are a propaganda construct.
WHITE HELMETS: Channel 4, BBC, The Guardian – Architects of ‘Humanitarian’ War
Vanessa Beeley | The BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian are at the centre of the propaganda web that is rewriting history in favour of Al Qaeda.
LAST MEN IN ALEPPO: Al Qaeda Presented as ‘White Helmets’ for the Annual Terrorist ‘Oscar’ Nomination
Vanessa Beeley | A second Hollywood blockbuster to glorify the Nusra Front-affiliated White Helmets.
MUST SEE TV: Real News Presenter Aaron Maté Interviews Guardian Reporter About His ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Book
21WIRE + TheRealNews | The best thirty minutes you will spend today – and likely the only thing you’ll ever need again to question the mainstream media’s official conspiracy theory.
WHITE HELMETS: The Guardian Protects UK FCO Destabilization Project in Syria
John Schoneboom | Are the White Helmets heroes or villains?
What to Expect From BBC Panorama and Guardian’s Whitewash of UK Gov’t Funding Terrorists in Syria
21WIRE | Here’s what the BBC will NOT cover in tonight’s Panorama report, “Jihadis You Pay For”.
The Guardian Exposed – Conning Public into Financing “Independent Journalism”
21WIRE + Media Lens | The Guardian’s funding campaign breaks their previous fake news records.
REVEALED: The Establishment’s Scheme to Take Down Trump
21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | There is definitely a coup in the works, but what form it takes depends on how much sabotage Trump can withstand.
The UK Guardian Plays Robin to MI5’s Batman
Jonathan Cook | The UK Guardian is stoking a cold war with Russia at the behest of MI5.