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The ‘Caesar Report’ conundrum and the increasing weaponisation of “international justice”

Tim Hayward | Caesar Report: Revising history and bestowing legitimacy on Imperialist aggressive intervention projects.

On Syria, Media & Propaganda: Academic Freedom and Setting An Example

Tim Hayward | If we are intimidated into restricting our attention to ‘authorised’ questions, what kind of society do you think we are heading for?

BANA: The Heartbreaking Story of Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media Falsehood

Tim Hayward | Since the fighting stopped in Aleppo, the verifiable truth about people, places and events there, is emerging.

KHAN SHEIKHOUN: How Like-Sarin is a Sarin-Like Substance?

Tim Hayward | Drawing a conclusion without evidence or scrupulous honesty is simply, propaganda for war in Syria.

SYRIA: Is UK Parliament Edging Towards Military Escalation?

Tim Hayward | UK intervention in the Middle East is a catalogue of misinformation and devastating errors of judgement

SYRIA: Are BBC Guilty of Withholding Contextual Evidence to Serve Regime Change Propaganda?

Tim Hayward | UK State controlled BBC witholds evidence to avoid being state controlled?

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Why Channel 4 “News” Owes an Apology to Syria

Tim Hayward | Channel 4 cheerleading for terrorism in Syria.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue