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Bilderberg Day 1: Rare Photos of VIP’s and Police Surveillance of Demonstrators

21st Century Wire | The first set of photos of VIP’s sneaking into this year’s Bilderberg Meeting in England.

Bilderberg 2013: A Tour of the Venue

Sam the Blogger | Temperatures are sure to rise around The Grove Hotel…

BREAKING: Israeli fighter jets conduct ‘dummy runs’ over Lebanese airspace

21st Century Wire | Israel joins Western efforts to further isolate Hezbollah in Lebanon and also internationally.

We Are Human Guinea Pigs: DARPA & IBM help launch new low frequency microwave mobile data network

21WIRE | We are already bathing in radiation – now global tech giants want to increase it.

What Will Be The Fallout From a War In Syria?

21st Century Wire | The proxy war in Syria is a shell game created by the West.

Our Assessment: Psychopaths Rule The World

21st Century Wire | It is a good deal more than hypocrisy, when psychopaths rule the world…

Race-baiting in 2013: Obama’s ‘Injured Voice’

21st Century Wire | This is perhaps Obama’s lowest point yet, wrapping himself in past horrors of the Jim Crow south.

Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works

Patrick Henningsen | Everyone is calling for a global corporate tax regime, but not one dare ask who will be in charge of it.

Bilderberg 2013: Google’s false flag gives birth to new global tax regime

21st Century Wire | Google is fueling calls for a new global profit tax ahead of this year’s Bilderberg and G8 meetings…

The Terror of Woolwich: Many more questions than answers.

Stuart J. Hooper | This could be one of the richest crimes scenes in history, or it’s flat as a pancake.

Britain’s MI5 Connection to Woolwich Slasher Michael Adebolajo

21WIRE | When this story broke, we told our readers there is more than meets the eye. Just like with Boston, we were right again…

3-D Printing: The Antidote to Globalist Slave Labor in China and India?

21WIRE | Something that Americans and Europeans in particular take for granted every minute of their lives.

Footage of Killer ‘Machete Terrorist’ Attack in Woolwich, East London

21WIRE | Another horrific crime – and we will never know the truth.

Transatlantic Union: Scandals, Scoundrels and Global Trade Partners?

Shawn Helton | The bizarre new world of joint press conferences is beginning to prove the theory of a global government.

Disturbing: Obama’s media shield law makes prosecuting journalists even easier

21WIRE + RT | The White House’s latest anti-Press move is selling American values down the river towards tyranny.

UK Column Live – Conference for Freedom in Press and Media 2013

UK Column | Exposing The Leveson Common Purpose: The battle for press and internet freedom is now on.

Bill Maher reduced to shreds by Glenn Greenwald over US invading ‘muslim countries’

21st Century Wire | What happens when clever talk show hosts stray out of their depth…

Visionary: Larry McDonald’s Stark Predictions Manifest Today

21st Century Wire | A look back at an American visionary who 30 years ago was right about many things.

Obama’s America: Artist Lauryn Hill sent away for government ‘re-education’

Patrick Henningsen | Knowing what we know about the dirty music industry, we can vouch for Hill’s conspiracy theory.

US Government: The World’s Biggest Hacker

21st Century Wire | Digital Mafia: Cyber terrorism is a mega business in the US.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue