21st Century Wire says…
It’s a name that most people today aren’t familiar with, yet he was a man so far ahead of his time, one of those rare American individuals who could not only see what direction society and world was moving, but was courageous enough to challenge the elite power structure through his public life.
Some 30 years ago in September of 1983, Korean Airliner KAL007 was shot down in one of the most mysterious and murky episodes in modern history. Among the passengers on the ill-fated flight was as a U.S. representative from northwest Georgia’s 7th Congressional District, Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald M.D.
As it turns out, Larry McDonald was right about so much, and possessed the foresight to see today’s globalization, WTO, the EU super state and the disintegration of the United States as a constitutional republic. Incredibly, McDonald also outlined (in the video interview below) how the US federal government would eventually move towards socialism, and restrict the Second Amendment and gun ownership in America. A visionary, to say the least.
He was also a member of the national council for the John Birch Society since 1966, and was named its chairman in March of of 1983. He described the society as “a constitutionalist education-action organization.”
Sadly, he life and political career were cut short…
Brasscheck TV revisits…
‘Dead within four months of this interview’
• He was right about Bill Casey who turned out to be a criminal on an EPIC scale.
• He was correct about the negative impact of the government-created phenomenon of inflation (starting in 1983.)
• He was also correct about about the Federal government’s obsession with impinging on gun rights and shredding the Constitution.
And then there’s this…
Around May of 1983, approximately 4 months before being shot down in Flight KAL 007, Congressman Larry McDonald takes on Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden on Crossfire, as they badger him about his new role as Chairman of the John Birch Society. He easily handles them and answers questions concerning the Elite’s Conspiracy for a One World Government…
McDonald explains why Congress passes too many laws and warns of the dangers of an uninformed electorate…
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