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UK Government Defends ‘Showing Respect’ To Death of Saudi Arabia’s Dictator King Abdulaziz

21WIRE + RT | According to David Cameron, you need to respect those who advocate public beheadings. Out-of-touch?

Change? Four BEHEADED After A Week Under New Saudi King Salman

21WIRE + RT | Change could have been possible for Saudi Arabia, but this is any thing but a change in policy.

U-Turn on ISIS? Can West Must Work With Putin, Assad and Iran?

Stuart J. Hooper | As the spread of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues, calls are now coming for the West to work with those it has specifically gone out of its way to make enemies with.

Footage of Killer ‘Machete Terrorist’ Attack in Woolwich, East London

21WIRE | Another horrific crime – and we will never know the truth.

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