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Swedish Cop’s Rant on Immigrant Crime: Champion of Honesty or Xenophobe?

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Swedish Cop who posted rant on Facebook detailing violent crimes attributed to immigrants in a single work week is met with flowers by supporters and accusations of xenophobia by detractors.

DALLAS SHOOTING “SNIPERS”: Gladio Terror, Drills & Suspicious Details

Jay Dyer | Early anomalies, oddities and curious problems already arise in the initial reports of this large-scale event.

British Police Do NOT Want You Watching Live Terror Events! Why Might That Be?

Stuart J. Hooper + The Guardian | British Police are practically admitting that what goes on during a terror event is not all that meets the eye.

Greater Manchester Police Violence Against Fracking Protesters Turns Ugly This Week

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | It’s official: The Greater Manchester Police force has been converted into a corporate security army.

Brutal British Police Go Into ‘Full Corporate Mode’ Against Anti-Fracking Campaigners

21st Century Wire | Events in Britain have taken a rather disturbing fascist turn in recent weeks…

Episode #21 – SUNDAY WIRE: The Strange Death of Kelly Thomas and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | An esoteric look into the Sandy Hook production and exposing the shocking murder of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton, CA.


21WIRE + Filming Cops | The police were allowed to get away with murder in this case, in order to send a clear message to other homeless individuals in America.

Shameless Cop Caught on Camera Framing Innocent Fracking Protester for DUI

21WIRE + YouTube | How shocking: these are the type of police that are filling the ranks these days.

LAX Shooting: Drills, Mannequins & ‘The New World Order’

21st Century Wire | We’ve seen an increase in these kinds of mass casualty drills.

L.A. Ontario Airport ‘October Drill’ Nearly Identical to LAX Shooting Scene

21st Century Wire | What are the odds of that? LAPD took part in an identical ‘active shooter drill’ one month before.

How To Assert Your Constitutional Rights and Refuse Unlawful Police Searches

Secrets of the Fed | Most people in the US are unaware what their rights are when it comes to police searches…

Value for Money? British Police forces pay £25million to ‘informants’ but where does it end?

21st Century Wire | The sums are mounting and it appears that this budget is not altogether transparent …

Footage of Killer ‘Machete Terrorist’ Attack in Woolwich, East London

21WIRE | Another horrific crime – and we will never know the truth.

23 police officers en route to arrest cult members in Nigeria killed by militia

Washington Times | Gunmen have killed 23 police officers in an ambush in central Nigeria.

Justice Brazilian Style

RT | Footage emerged of the high-octane chase a year after it happened, raising concerns over the excessive use of police force

Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’

21st Century Wire | We ask this question: does someone not want either of these two brothers to tell their story in public?

Boston Martial Law: ‘They were confiscating guns from residents’

21st Century Wire | Did the Feds grab residents’ guns during the Watertown dragnet?

In Texas, Police in Schools Criminalize 300,000 Students Each Year

AlterNet | If students fail to appear in court, or if their parents can’t afford to pay fines, then the state issues an arrest warrant for them when they turn 17.

Mandela’s wife: South Africa is an ‘angry nation’ on brink of ‘something very dangerous’

Daily Mail | Human rights activist Graca Machel, 67, South Africa is on the brink of ‘something very dangerous’ which it may not be able to stop.

Prime Minister’s Special Command Officer Found Shot Dead in London Home

21WIRE + Mail Online | Execution of PM’s special unit should raise national suspicion, but it hasn’t, yet.

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