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SUNDAY SCREENING: Picking For Europe (2024)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Abundant supermarkets are sustained by workers – without contracts, fair wages, or legal protection.

France Continues to Supply Arms to Israel, Contrary to Macron’s Statements

Iara Modarelli | Macron’s fluctuating stance on arming Israel after Netanyahu’s angry backlash reveals political pressure and ongoing military ties

FRANCE – First Round Of Presidential Elections Are Underway

21WIRE + The Guardian | The first round of voting in the French Presidential Elections has commenced with what looks likely to be a very close run for candidates.

TURKEY: Citizens Vote In Referendum That Could Give Erdogan Extended Powers

21WIRE + The Duran | Turkish voters take to the polls in what could be an extension in powers for current President Erdogan.

ERDOGAN: Europeans ‘Would Revive Gas Chambers If They Weren’t Ashamed’

21WIRE + RT | Erdogan continues his foray on Europe with increasing shocking commentary.

BREXIT: Queen Gives ‘Royal Assent’ To Article 50 And ‘London Bridge Is Down’ – Aftermath Of HRH Death Revealed

21WIRE + RT | Queen Elizabeth II has given Royal Assent to Brexit and exclusive details revealed in the aftermath of her death.

BREXIT: Canadian Style Policy Encouraged to Avoid Disaster?

21WIRE + The Independent | Different regions must have powers to determine their own skills needs after the UK leaves the EU, experts tell the Lords.

John Kerry: “There are ways to reverse Brexit”

21WIRE | Interesting comments from across the Atlantic.

Brexit: EU Implosion?

21WIRE | There will be consequences.

The Complete First UK Parliamentary Debate Since Brexit

21WIRE | Here it is, all the action from the day after.

Not All Bad: EU May BAN Monsanto Weedkiller Over Health Concerns

21WIRE | Monsanto is having a much tougher time in the EU than in the US.

The United Kingdom: ‘Most Corrupt Country in The World’

21WIRE | The UK is at the heart of global corruption.

France: “State of Emergency” Extends State Terrorism as Nationwide Protests Gather Momentum

21WIRE | Escalating public unrest in France as petrol stations grind to a halt and Nuclear Power plants threaten to close down

EUROPEAN EMPIRE: EU’s New Border Force Will Override National Sovereignty

21WIRE | How exactly will a force that operates without consent be able to strengthen the EU’s reputation?

Greece: Is The Euro A Failure?

21WIRE + Crosstalk | Are things about to get messy in Greece?

Ukrainian Protesters Encircle US Embassy: ‘Yankees Go Home!’

21WIRE + RT | Ukraine protesters are getting smarter…

What Will Be The Fallout From a War In Syria?

21st Century Wire | The proxy war in Syria is a shell game created by the West.


Andrew McKillop | Treating food and energy together is more productive than treating them apart, making it urgent these two themes are given the same political acknowledgement and treatment.

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