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UK Column Reports on Cyprus Economic Collapse

UK Column | Guest Patrick Henningsen reports on Cyprus crisis, plus other breaking issues covered by hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.

Henningsen in Cyprus: ‘Troika will take everything and push Russians out’

UK Column + RT | The Euro Group are trying to appear merciful, but the reality is they are going for all assets in Cyprus.

Cyprus Day 3: The Sword of Damocles Still Hangs Over the Island

Patrick Henningsen | The economic collapse of Cyprus is currently unfolding before our eyes…

Cyprus Day 2: As the Dust Settles, Talk of Reciprocity and Whispers of Retribution

Patrick Henningsen | No run on the banks today, but the people begin to talk about what’s going to happen next…

Cyprus Day 1: Fear and Loathing in Nicosia

Patrick Henningsen | It’s clear after our first day in Cyprus, that the Troika are a pack of gangsters and thieves.

Iraq 2.0: West will now lean on UN to delivery a WMD verdict in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Washington’s fake WMD issue may take center stage once again – this time in Syria.

John Kerry Prepping for War? US Sec. of State tells Iraq to close airspace for Iranian planes

21st Century Wire | John Kerry’s “kinder, gentler” foreign policy mission is now underway, prepping for another war.

What’s Really Behind Israel’s Latest Mea Culpa Over the Gaza Flotilla

Patrick Henningsen | Obama’s trip to the region was to insure that both Israel and Turkey are on board with NATO designs in Syria

“American Education”: Teach the Children War

David Swanson | If you talk to non-sociopathic teachers, you learn that the sort of “teaching” sold by our museums has a horrible impact on students’ minds.

Why Does Obama Believe That Our Kids Need Experimental Anthrax Vaccines?

21st Century Wire | Obama’s “Ethic Panel” wants American parents to supply children to the pharmaceutical industry for experimentation purposes (no kidding).

Israeli Occupation: On Checkpoints and Child Snatching

Patrick Henningsen | Palestinians are not impressed with Obama’s visit, as he reinforces America’s policy of ignorance towards a brutal Israeli occupation.

‘Pax Romana’? Looking Back at a Massive Error in Modern U.S. History

Daily Star | Remembering that key moment which triggered a sharp moral and economic decline of the United States.

Protect Yourself Against Drones: Military contractor to launch counter-UAV technology

RT | Have no fear, help is at hand…

Revealed: CIA Has Contracted Amazon to Build its Spy Cloud

Washington Post | As a general rule, the CIA does not publicly disclose details of our contracts, except this one.

A Weirder Twist on Cyprus: Rothschilds At War With Putin?

BIN | Cyprus banking war could be an elite conflict, where the average savers were caught in the crossfire.

Stasi Net? UK Press ‘regulation deal’ sparks fears of high libel fines for bloggers

Guardian | No can quite figure out how Leveson went from Murdoch phone hacking to regulating internet speech.

Latest alleged ‘chemical attack’ kills 25 in Aleppo, Syria

Daily Star | Although this report has yet to be independently verified, the West will seize upon it to gain a military foothold in the conflict.

Cyprus: The Case For Leaving the E.U. Economic Slavery Plantation

21WIRE | There are choices in life, and being a slave is certainly one of them…

Wag the Dog: Israel to press Obama to use air strikes in case of Syrian missile transfer

Guardian | US expected to resist Israeli pressure to attack Iran, while Tel Aviv unlikely to yield on Palestine, leaving Syria a common goal.

Bankers’ Robbery: The EU has thrown Cyprus to the Wolves

Steve Keen | Now the bankers are truly getting desperate – prompting a run on the banks.

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